Originally Posted by slimtim
Yup the first 14 pics are up. I'll post more tonight hopefully.
Cookee, whats the answer for the next race?! or is it secret?! How did the gearbox perform? I've been looking at my pics of your boat in the pits and its a very unusual and interesting hull design you have there, I couldn't see it properly when she was parked up on the trailer.
Hull design by Lorne Campbell - modifications by BananaShark!
The gearbox is great and we are testing it with different props at the moment to see which suit it best but it definitely helps the pitch stability a lot.
Modifications for the next race will be removing some earlier ones!
Next race is Cardiff, with 3 races on Fri Sat and Sun - 1st to the 3rd of October.
There will be 2 National races on Fri and Sat with a basic on Sunday, so look forward to racing against Team Explosion maybe?
There will also be most of UK watersport represented including jet skis, OCR, inshore cats, Zapcats, in fact if it floats, races and doesn't have a sail it will probably be there!