Great post Willk!
Thanks to Tony and all his team for being so amenable and for all their hard work over the weekend.
Thanks to all in the Easdale area that made us feel welcome; especially the ferry lads.
It was lovely to meet some new friends to expose my ignorance of boats to, and meet up with some older ones who already know that I know nothing about boats.
Saturday was definitely our best day on "Braewatch" and Jambo did a great job at the helm, negotiating us around safely. The chop going into Corryveckan was livelier than we usually venture out in ,but the boat handled well and it was great fun. We had a wee bit trouble getting her started in the morning but with a quick prayer to the RIB Gods and a wee caress from yours truly she fired up ( the old girl always preferred me ). The weather was great all the way round except when we were near the distilleries on Islay when we encountered torrential rain; probably a sign!
I enjoyed the company of a lovely lady for dinner who was subjected to my inane drivel throughout the evening. I didn't get her number but I hope we see her again.
I think Jambo wants a new tender....10m at least judging by the ones he was using at Easdale!
The run back on Sunday was idilic until we ran out of fuel just short of Crinan. Although other reasons were banded about these were dispelled after we stole the auxiliary's petrol and she fired up. The cause of this lies squarely at my door as I left 30l at home while uttering the eternal phrase, "We've got more than enough extra on deck!". I forgot our 2 stroke has the same fuel economy as the average Boeing 737! Jambo will never trust me again. We were babysat back to Carsaig by some very understanding good Samaritans. Thanks again.
After gorging on chowder the life jacket had to be eased out slightly.
Consumption of alcohol seemed to be a moderate 70 units. Almost teetotal in some areas of Glasgow!
I'm off to steal some of the wife's moisturiser as my face is peeling. I was ridiculed all day at work.
It was worth it, though!