Easdale RIB Rendezvous – SAT 10/SUN 11 May 2014
The pressure has been on to get a date publicised so people can think about making arrangements.
Details certainly have not been finalised other than the date. There are a number of weddings which take priority in the Easdale Island event calendar so the best compromise appears to be to hold the event a week after its normal slot hence 10/11 May. The ERR team appreciate this may not be as convenient for many but as we have already had people requesting info a fallow year didn’t seem an option.
The tour plan is fairly straightforward – we failed to get to Loch Tarbert, Jura last year so we are not reinventing the wheel, we will just set the same objective for the Saturday and hope the weather is similar to that of 2012.
There was an article in RIB International about circumnavigating Jura for those wanting background information
Should you require instant information see
Easdale RIB Rendezvous - Home
and look for details as for 2013 event.
We will get pen to paper at some point, get the e mails out, website updated etc. but currently we still have trips going out in between the bad weather days and it seems we have a load of cleaning and servicing to do for this point in the season.
Tony, Douglas, Eug and Billy