Everything now in place, we are looking forward to it
Registration on webpage
Easdale RIB Rendezvous | Rib Adventure weekend in the west coast of Scotland is just an expression of interest to give us some idea of numbers. The aim is for perhaps 30 + RIBs this year. Everyone is welcome even at the last moment.
Those who have registered from RIBnet
BruceB, Puffin, Kev, Jambo, Macca24
although I may have missed some of the RIBnetters
Others we know have already booked accommodation but have not registered - 8 RIBs
A number of others showed interest on the threads but again unsure
Wilk, Discomick, Nabob, 9D280 aI may not have names matched correctly
Not sure if Dougcrock and some of his cruising group will be joining us on the Saturday.
Of course a lot of the 'locals' haven't registered - probably waiting for the weather forecast but don't forget to pre book the Sat eve BBQ with the Puffer Bar