Not long now - if your planing to come along let us know, and let us know what type of craft your bringing.....ALL powerboats & Jetski's welcome.
Clubs website has been "updated" by over ethusatic webmaster promoting this event. (trys and looks inocent

"it wasn't me nobody saw me doing it!", )
************************ Press Release ***********************
Fife Sailing Club Launches Powerboat Section
Sunday 1st June 2008, sees Elie & Earlsferry Sailing Club officially launching their new powerboat section within the club by hosting the RYA Powerboat Scotland Cruise on the Forth. This event will see boats and jetskis coming from across Scotland and maybe further a field for a day of fun on the water.
The Zapcat team / Scottish Zapcat dealer, Scottish Wild Catz will be bringing down some Zapcats from Cruden Bay for a demonstration in the bay, and a RNLI Sea Safety Team will be present on the day offering Sea Checks and General Safety information.
The aim of the new Powerboat Section at the club is promote safe & responsible powerboating through training and organized cruises throughout the year.
One member said “ The Firth of Forth can be a very daunting place for a lone powerboat, and being a part of an organized cruise gives us confidence to go further field , with the knowledge we have support if something goes wrong”.
The new Powerboat section has already organised RYA VHF courses, RNLI Flare Demonstrations and a very successful RYA Sea Survival course which had 16 people from all over Scotland including Yachtsmen and a representative from the Falklands Island Government, being taught what to do if unfortunate enough to need to abandon ship.
EESC will be providing Powerboat courses and various other training and events throughout the year.
The new powerboat section at Elie & Earlsferry S.C proves that powerboats can co-exist with a sailing club, in fact the powerboat section will be supporting various major events on the Forth this year including the 80th Anniversary of East Lothian Yacht Club Regatta, the following weekend, and providing Marshalling for The Round Britain Powerboat Race 2008 when it completes the Inverness to Port Edgar stage and sets off again to Newcastle on the last weekend of June.
If you wish to find out any more information on any of the events please visit the clubs website or email: powerboating<@>
Reference websites: