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Old 06 April 2006, 12:59   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: WingNut
Make: Solont Rib
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F150
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 3
Guernsey trip - June

Anybody fancy a trip Guernsey for a long weekend. We are looking for a set of like minded individuals with a sense of adventure and a similar RIB to come with us. By taking two boats, I think it will take the worries out of the trip and make it more fun.

I think you need at least 5.5m RIB, VHF, GPS, enough fuel, and some safety equipment as well as some good cloths + water etc. Somebody should have an ICC. We can put a more comprehensive list together nearer the time but it’s not complicated. The plan would be to go Friday or Saturday, go across to St Peter’s Port stay for one day and come back on the Sunday/Monday. Fuel (petrol and diesel) are available there on the water. I would suggest we allocate a couple weekends so that we pick a good weather window. I was thinking around 12 June or two weekends after that, before school holidays.

The port is quite good for eating/drinking and I am sure we can sort out some accommodation. There’s a good article in the latest RIB international magazine. We could also explore Alderney. I spoke to our insurance company and they are happy to endorse the trip free of charge, if we went as a pair interestingly. We would take 2-4 people.

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