Oh lordy lord I'm still wet and cold! I can't change my facial expression because I have so much salt encrusted on my face!
Just got the little rib out of the water and she's still just about in one piece. My seats have soaked up so much water that they squelch when you sit on them and my arse hurts like an absolute bugger! Despite that, me and mike had a good time bumping about the solent (we're used to it now!) and meeting all you guys, matching faces to user names!
You guys have got some nice ribs and kit as well (robin, I love that outboard of yours!). Mike and I felt somewhat left out wearing only board shorts and T-shirts and with no fancy electronics!
Its a shame none of you managed to get all the way around, sods law said that it went completely flat after you all went home! I drove (in car) to compton (south west side) in the afternoon and it was flat as a pancake! never mind, another day.
Hope you all had a nice meal and beer in the kings head...I love that pub (anyone have the steak? they do good steak

Did any of you guys have to pay to stay in the habour? Also, what happened to Pete around the needles?!
Great day, cheers guys.
PS just had a thought of a possible future get together. All rib down to yarmouth one weekend. Stay in the B&Bs and Hotels in Yarmouth, enjoy the beer in the evening and do some ribing/bbq's/watersports etc during the days? I would be happy to do some sorting out this end. Just a suggestion.