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Old 09 July 2004, 21:08   #61
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Cracking Day
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How about we all fly Jolly Rogers?
Tactical Paintball-Hampshire, Surrey and beyond!
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Old 09 July 2004, 21:11   #62
Country: UK - England
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like these:

how jolly
Tactical Paintball-Hampshire, Surrey and beyond!
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Old 09 July 2004, 21:18   #63
Country: UK - England
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look what i just fitted to my pocket rib 22mm
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Old 09 July 2004, 22:01   #64
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Hey what’s this volunteering me for BBQ duties then.......Have you tasted my cooking......I can tell you now, you won’t run out of fuel after my offerings and if you do!

I'll blast you all out the water with my Torpedo’s if you do run out off gas, be assured!!!!!
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Old 09 July 2004, 23:33   #65
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Cracking Day
Make: Tohatsu
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Engine: Optimax 150
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Posts: 265
why have you got a dogs winkle on the side or your rib?
Tactical Paintball-Hampshire, Surrey and beyond!
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Old 10 July 2004, 09:20   #66
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I wouldn't know what one looked like. But you obviously do!
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Old 11 July 2004, 00:36   #67
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Right, got the first general meeting under our belts. It was a covert operation conducted some where off of Stokes Bay in force 6/7 winds at about 17:30Hrs Saturday between Myself and Biggles (Nick).

Biggles pretended to be broken down, so we went to assist, of course it was a ploy!! With two other RIBs in escort Nick told me I was doing the BBQ and that was that. .

Nice to meet you Nick and look forward to seeing you in the near future. It was fun though.....wasn't it?


PS. I left the bungs out by mistake, zoomed all over the Solent and covered 30nm, and you know what! No water entered the bilge. I only noticed when we tied up at the Sunsail pontoon at Port Solent for a coffee. I find that unbelivable...
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Old 11 July 2004, 01:31   #68
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
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Hightower (Andy), Hi Mate,

Thats a mean RIB you have there. Me and my mates were all jealous. Were your two passengers doing Community service then. It looked as if you were torturing the poor devils.

Was that a force 6/7. Must say I hadn't noticed !!! Last weekend it was even worse (Old Fishermans Tale).

It took us 2 hours to get from Hayling Island to the Folly Inn going head on into the wind and waves, probably a 30 minute blast on a good day.

About an hour to get back, with a couple of stops as one of our group was slowly losing his A frame from all the bashing around

It was good to meet a fellow RIB Net member.

I just wish this awful weather would go. One good side is that I now have a better understanding of what my boat is capable of. It seems the designers have it right with the boats capabilities, its just us users that have to get over the fear factor and the uncomfortable conditions. At one stage I had 4 inches of water in the boat. Fingers crossed that the bilge pump kept working.

Both my mates (Non RIB Net members, Can't get on with PCs) asked who you were and I told them that you were the RIB Net Chef. Well impressed I must say. They are looking forward to your BBQ Spare RIBs, (No Pun intended).

I look forward to the IOW trip and meeting some more new faces.

When I get chance I will post some ideas for the trip.

Regards Nick Reis.
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Old 11 July 2004, 08:46   #69
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When I got back last night I went straight to a weather site and looked at the history. At 17:00hrs it was blowing 28mph, that a 6/7 according to my chart? I guess because it was a westerly we were protected from the worst of it.

Havn't you got an elephants trunk fitted into your transom on the Avon, to clear deck water? On my Kohaku all I've got is this and a manual bilge pump. I did buy two bilge pumps with intention of using at least one of them, but at the moment they are resigned to sitting on a shelf in the garage.

I still can't get over the fact that I left the bungs out and no water entered, or perhaps I did, but underway it all came out...

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Old 11 July 2004, 09:45   #70
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Hard bastards aren't ya
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 11 July 2004, 20:39   #71
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as i seem to be the only part time caulkhead my misses will do petrol backup,and keep an eye on us make sure we don't stop at too many pubs,Ray
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Old 11 July 2004, 21:55   #72
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3,931
Fuel Back Up


Thanks for the offer.

Hopefully we won't need your missus but it will be nice to have someone on the end of a telephone we can get hold of if one of us gets a problem.

Right thats the BBQ and fuel sorted, Anybody able to sort the weather !!

Regards Nick R.
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Old 12 July 2004, 20:09   #73
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
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Posts: 3,931
Slim Tim

You won't be the only Flatacraft on the journey. And also my boat isn't much bigger than yours. I struggle in the chop. But at the end of the day this is a trip for the smaller boats. The big ones should be able to manage it quite easy. For us little ones it will be a real challenge and having a big group of boats around you should inspire confidence.

Regards Nick Reis
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Old 12 July 2004, 20:24   #74
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
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Outline Plan

Well here goes, hope this makes sense and gives everyone an idea of how its all going to work.

Isle of Wight Blast

Date:- Sunday 8th August 2004.

Launch Time:- 1000 hours.

Meeting Rendezvous:- HMS Daedeleus, Lee on Solent, Hampshire.

Position:- N50 48.310 W1 12.868

High Tide:- 1810 hrs – 4.1 Metres.

Low Tide:- 1114 hrs – 1.6 Metres.

Launch Sites:- Suggested Launch sites in the area of the Rendezvous are at HMS Daedeleus, N50 48.403 W1 12.654 and Warsash public slipway, N50 51.099 W1 18.382. I have chosen these two as a guide because I have personal knowledge of them, they are free to launch, have good free parking and are available at all states of the tide. If there is an onshore wind then I suggest launching at Warsash as it is protected from the wind. (Further sites can be obtained via

VHF Radio Channel: - To be confirmed with a listening watch kept on Channel 16.

If any one wants MMSI numbers then I suggest we exchange these via private message. I am quite happy to co-ordinate this if everybody with DSC wants to send me their numbers.

I would have liked to go through the Needles on the High Tide but realise that we should aim to go through on Low Tide.

Route: (The following Waypoints have been chosen straight from a chart and can be changed if anyone knows of any more suitable).

1) N Ryde Middle - N50 46.479 W1 15.749 3.03 Miles

2) Prince Consort - N50 46.414 W1 17.553 4.35 Miles

3) Waypoint 3 - N50 46.110 W1 19.638 5.91 Miles

4) Waypoint 4 - N50 43.994 W1 26.235 11.3 Miles

5) Waypoint 5 (Yarmouth) N50 42.901 W1 30.042 14.4 Miles

(With the option of stopping at Yarmouth for fuel etc)
6) Waypoint 6 - N50 42.684 W1 31.563 15.5 Miles

7) Waypoint 7 - N50 41.539 W1 33.768 17.6 Miles

8) Bridge (Needles) - N50 39.629 W1 36.879 20.7 Miles

9) Waypoint 9 - N50 39.085 W1 34.377 22.7 Miles

10) Waypoint 10 (Compton Bay) N50 39.507 W1 30.091 25.8 Miles

(Possible Lunch and Self Refuelling Stop)

11) Off Hardman Rock - N50 37.564 W1 27.410 28.8 Miles

12) Off St Catherines Point N50 32.944 W1 17.682 37.7 Miles

13) Off Monks Bay - N50 35.266 W1 07.998 45.3 Miles

14) Off Bembridge - N50 41.134 W1 02.236 55.3 Miles

15) Nth of No Mans Land Fort N50 44.593 W1 05.602 57.9 Miles

16) North Sturbridge Buoy N50 45.328 W1 08.230 60 Miles

17) Off Lee Point (Mainland) N50 47.247 W1 12.290 63.7 Miles

18) Completion - N50 48.248 W1 12 963 65 Miles

Catering:- Hightower has kindly agreed to supervise the catering. It might be best if everyone brings their own grub and Liquid refreshment and throws it on Hightower’s BBQ. Ribald was looking in to a place suitable for landing on the South side of the Island.

First Aid: - Initially self help then via HM Coastguard on VHF Channel 16 or

MRSC Solent
HM Coastguard
44A Marine Parade West
PO13 9NR
Tel: 02392 552100

In case of dire emergency below are a couple of local Hospitals:-

IOW Healthcare NHS Trust,
St Mary's Hospital,
Parkhurst Road,
Isle of Wight
PO30 5TG.
Telephone 01983 524081

Royal South Hants Hospital
Brintons Terrace
Off St Mary's Road
S014 OYG
Telephone: 023 8063 4288

Refuelling:- I have been unable to identify any refuelling spots on the South side of the island and therefore suggest that we all carry enough fuel for the journey and allow extra for unforeseen circumstances. It would appear that we have a couple of volunteers in the larger boats prepared to carry spare fuel for the smaller boats. I suggest carrying this in plastic cans to prevent damage to the carrying boat.

Marina Facilities:- The following is a list of Marinas on the route. (Information gleaned from RIB Net).



Cowes Yacht Haven

Cowes-Shephards Wharf
East Cowes Marina

Island Harbour

Lymington Yacht Haven http://<br /> <br /> http://www.ya....cfm?havenid=4
Lymington Marina http://<br /> <br />

Accommodation:- I can’t recommend any Hotels, Guest Houses or Camping Sites in the area but I’m sure the good folk on RIB Net can.

I hope that this is detailed enough to ensure a safe, pleasant and enjoyable journey for all.

Numbers:- I have done a quick head count and compiled the following list of members wishing to attend.

1) Phil Davies
2) Daniel TD5
3) Nemo
4) Petersgc
5) Andy Stevens
6) Andy Beach
7) Lurcher
8) Hightower
9) The Jackeens
10) Ribald
11) Bilge Rat
12) Slim Tim ?
13) Myself
14) Gary and Pete
15) Jamie in a Flatacraft with 30 HP.

I propose that we do the route in one day. That seems to be the general wish. It saves booking too much accommodation and it should be easily achievable.

I don’t like to set a time limit on this but if we set off at 1000 hrs I would guess that we should all be around the island easily by 1900 hrs including two hours for a lunch break and chinwag.

Any other information would be most helpful if anyone can see any obvious flaws in this plan.

Regards Nick Reis.
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Old 12 July 2004, 21:18   #75
Country: UK - England
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How fast do you guys plan to cruise?
Are you looking for somewhere to tie up on the southside or just a beach to pull the boats up on?

We may be around but ill have to check the calender and decide nearer the time whether or not i can make it.
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Old 12 July 2004, 21:34   #76
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3,931


We'd prefer to land the boats so we can have a BBQ, any ideas?

I guess cruising speed will be about 20 mph or the Knot equivilent. All dependant on the sea state and chop.

Regards Nick R.
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Old 12 July 2004, 22:10   #77
Country: UK - England
Town: london
Boat name: Frances May
Make: vailant DR450
Length: 4m +
Engine: mercury 50 hp
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sound good to me

10.00 0 clock start top class gives me and phil a chance to get down its 127 miles for me had an other 35miles for phil

count me in for sure

big boat talk how fast do we cruise as you say biggles i get 28 knots on the flat but any chop and that drop like a lead balloon just like the bow over each

see you on the 8th

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Old 12 July 2004, 22:16   #78
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF 140
MMSI: 235050131
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3,931


Loook forward to seeing you on the 8th. I'm sure it will be a succesful voyage. Even if the chop gets up we will just have to slow down. We should have enough daylight available. The Big boys can go ahead and recce any easy routes through and get the barbie on for our lunch.

Its the small boats day out and hopefully a pre cursor to bigger and better things !!!!!

Regards Nick R.
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Old 12 July 2004, 22:31   #79
Country: UK - England
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If its that rough landing the boats on a beach could be tricky, best carry a few sandwiches incase you cant land.
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Old 12 July 2004, 23:30   #80
Country: UK - England
Town: cobham,surrey
Boat name: selva
Make: selva
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard evinrude 50
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Biggles, Why don't we try and get Jamies Dad along for the ride?
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