Between Ribochet, Portnahaven and myself, we'll come up with a general passage plan for the cruise up and down. Saturday can be decided
in situ to suit conditions/inclinations. The passage plan will be for
group co-ordination purposes only and I have to state here that the originators of said plan expect each skipper to take responsibility for the safety of their own craft and crew. Assume that general
ERR terms & conditions apply

A copy of the plan will be given to each skipper at Cushendall where we'll have a quick meeting before departure.
It looks as though an early afternoon departure is as good as we can manage as a group. Boats departing Redbay are:
Deep Six - 2 PAX
Caít - 3 PAX
Ricochet - 1 PAX
Portnahaven - 1 PAX
Keamore - 2 PAX
Jumping Jack may depart Greencastle with 2 PAX to RV with us at Jura. The Boss will be transiting the Sound on Friday with a fleet of 11 meters, so we have to behave. However, if the sh1t hits the fan - we'll see if CG-66 beats RB11-61

I intend to break the trip in Craighouse, Jura - petrol/diesel is available. Ribliam should be aware that it's all road diesel £££ and get a tank of green before crossing the border. We have dinner booked on Easdale Island at 2000hrs. Past experience suggests we need at least an hour to get moored/pitched, so I'd LIKE to be there for 1830ish The cruise is approx 4hrs@20kts - you guys can do the math.... Jambo and his crew should meet us somewhere, depending on the day. I'll liaise with him regarding this.
IF we circumnavigate Jura (calling into Loch Tarbert) on Saturday we can refuel easily with spare for the trip home.
We'll be looking at the wx on Wednesday evening after the update and will make a provisional decision at that point, posting here. If it's really poxy we'll stand down, if marginal, we'll wait until after lunch on Thursday to decide. I have your contact details so I'll call around at that point. It is the personal decision of each skipper to join us or not...