Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
Hope you have recovered from your trip with us. Good to meet up and ta for the minces
Had a great day, big thanks especially to Skippermarky (Exhilaration Boat Rides) who was very generous in offering up a place on his fancy rib! The sound of those twin 300hp engines is addictive, and the chartplotter is bigger than my flat screen tv! Very cool.
As I'm just dipping my toe into the ribbing world, it was good to meet Ian (C2 Ribs) and Mark (Skippermark) and spend a bit of time with two very professional and experienced skippers - though if I only learn as much as they've already forgotten about RIBs I'd be happy. Reassuring to know such people hang out on rib.net
Thank you Peter M for arranging the day.
I took some video (though not sure the Sony image stabalization was quite up to Skippermarky's driving style

) and I'll get that uploaded when I have a few mins spare.
What I didn't tell you is that I had a GPS plotter in my pocket, so I know we were doing 49 knots on the way home (did I mention those twin engines already?!). You can see
the track here (zoom the map).
Hope to be bringing a rib myself to a future meet, and quietly watching and learning on the forum.