I'll try again after server issues earlier.
I've been on to the Folly again today and they have OK'd the latest numbers of 45 to eat and 48 (ish)attending

I have tried to contact Follymoorings about the fact about 20 boats may pitch up mid December when they have buuger all going on so can they do us a deal ? I wait to hear...............
All bar one menu choice now received - sorry for chasing but is now sorted, and Folly have said they can accomodate a small number of unplanned requests on the day so Paul H , etc can still be looked after .
I've not raised it with the folly yet but to show good form I was thinking maybe if people called to pay a deposit it would stand 'us' in good stead this year and for future years? I welcome thoughts on this idea as I've not raised it with the Folly yet so please dont call them and confuse them before I manage to speak to them. I'd add they (Alex) has been great in sorting things for me/us.
Final choices attached - again if it correct -say nothing. If its wrong PM me
If everyone could update thier profle with a boat name it may help radio traffic on the day ? I'll leave individuals to sort who they meet with & where etc But seems to be five (ish)biggish boats from Poole,couple of mid (6m) from Southampton/ calshot etc , couple of Island based boats etc
Fingers crossed for a great day (todays weather looked great across Poole Harbour when I was down there)
As always questions/comments/ abuse/ jokes etc etc all welcome.
Key points;
Meet at South Bramble at work ?
Thought on paying deposit to Folly ? Maybe pay the 'odd' amounts leaving just £10 per person to pay on day - makes the sums round the table much much simpler ? Again I've not raised this with them before seeing what the feeling is. Even if some did it I think the Folly would be calmer.