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Old 25 May 2004, 07:52   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 691
If I can help a little here with an alternative to getting your Ribs on the Thames.

You could go to South Dock Marina, on the South Bank opposite Limehouse.

They are very helpful and will crane your Rib into the Marina for you and give you a nice berth. They will also allow you to put your trailer and car into the secure pound while you are away with the boat. Lock opening times are extended for shallow draft boats.

It's also very easy to drive there with a Rib...I've never had problems with my rig.

I keep my Rib there during the week (Chelsea at weekends).

Their website is

I hope this might help those who prefer a hassle free visit to the Thames.
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Old 25 May 2004, 09:43   #2
John Kennett's Avatar
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Originally Posted by timw
You could go to South Dock Marina, on the South Bank opposite Limehouse.

They are very helpful and will crane your Rib into the Marina for you and give you a nice berth. They will also allow you to put your trailer and car into the secure pound while you are away with the boat. Lock opening times are extended for shallow draft boats.
What are the prices like now? I lived in South Dock Marine for a few years and the cost for craning meant it really wasn't a realistic option. I used the slip at the watersport centre a couple of times, but it was a major hassle dealing with some of the most unhelpful people that I have ever met!

South Dock is a good place though, and if you can get a decent price then it's worth considering. Access is better than St Katherine's (locking through is much quicker) but you are still restricted to something like HW+/- 2 hours.

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Old 25 May 2004, 10:16   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 691
I'm afraid you do have to pay for convenience...It's about £90 lift in and out for a 7.6m Rib. It's actually Southwark Council who set the charges, but they can as I'm told this is the only crane on the river.

I just really like it there as it's very calm, safe and friendly. There are a couple of other Ribs that live monster 10meter diesel called Thames Explorer.
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Old 25 May 2004, 11:11   #4
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Originally Posted by timw
It's about £90 lift in and out for a 7.6m Rib.
Plus (according to their web site) £15 per day mooring charge, £5.50 per day trailer parking, £3.50 per day car parking!
It's actually Southwark Council who set the charges
Because it's Southwark Council who own and run the marina.

The trouble is that they are not really geared up to using the crane as a launch and retrieve method for small boats, and they see it just as a boatyard tool. For occasional maintenance lifts, once every year or two, it's still expensive but people just have to live with it. For a weekend it's madness!

If they decided to they could make South Dock a serious option for trailboaters and do very well out of it. I like the place a lot, but with the current pricing structure I wouldn't crane a RIB in there.

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Old 25 May 2004, 11:17   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
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Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 691
Very fair comments...Sure it's expensive, but you do get really decent service.

Generally there are very few facilities for leisure boaters on the Thames...I wish there were more piers to tie up to that don't dry out, and not run by London Transport.
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Old 25 May 2004, 11:33   #6
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Originally Posted by timw
Generally there are very few facilities for leisure boaters on the Thames...I wish there were more piers to tie up to that don't dry out, and not run by London Transport.
It is pretty poor! I am convinced that the PLA would still prefer it if leisure craft stayed upriver of Teddington . . .

I have noticed some new piers going in, but I suspect that very few of them have visitor moorings. The only real public pier is Chiswick, which has full visitor facilities but nowhere to launch or store a trailer.

Any information about new facilities on the Thames would be welcome for the eventual (and long overdue) update of Tideway

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Old 25 May 2004, 16:39   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 691
Yes, agree with your comments. Chiswick is good and was there last weekend.

Surprised to see quite a few Ribs on the tidal Thames.
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Old 25 May 2004, 17:39   #8
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poplar rowing club is the best place cost nil need a big 4x4 lot of stones at the top but as jk said
It is pretty poor! I am convinced that the PLA would still prefer it if leisure craft stayed upriver of Teddington . . .

its my local river and i am going to use it 10min away from my house and its so intresting
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