26 April 2005, 12:54
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by benc
We have booked 5 of us into key house...
Will pm menu choices later today
Ben , pls be more specific as to "key house" cos need to think about your mooring. Where is this key house?
26 April 2005, 12:59
Country: UK - England
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Sorry - got the name wrong
Also - change of plan, we will not be joining you guys for the evening meal.
26 April 2005, 13:34
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
Littlehampton Cruise 2005- Evening meal
Updated list of participants who have confirmed they would like to have the evening meal at the Arun View.
Please post a message if you are not on the list and would like to join in
Roy Smith - 2 persons
Louise & Richard - 2 persons
Martin & Anto - 2 persons
Janet & Bill - 2 persons
Scurvy_Crew - 2 persons
Aedge - 2 persons
Peter Smith - 4 persons
Martyn & Ann - 2 persons
Martin Stacey - 1 person
Phil & Tracy Chitty - 2 persons
Andre & Wiesia - 2 persons
John Kennett - 1 person
Jackeens - 2 persons
Simmons0 - 2 persons
Brucehawsker - 2 persons
Aging Youth - 5 persons
Steve Green - 3 persons
38 persons so far
27 April 2005, 15:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 288
Looks like I will be the only one launching from The Ship & Anchor Marina.
If I'm wrong and others intend to, the earliest we can launch is 9.00am.
If you are there before 5.30pm Friday you can leave your boat in their secure park if you are later or if you are launching at Littlehampton - best to keep your boat with you on site.
I intend launching at S&A at 9.00am(ish) depending on my alchohol intake the previous evening, say 30 minutes for the trip to Littlehampton to meet up with the rest of you. Hopefully you will be obvious to see by your sheer numbers but if not, Andre, can you give me some sort of landmark to look for? I seem to remember you mentioning a gas tower on an earlier thread?
What time do you intend leaving the harbour to meet those travelling from Solent etc?
We will probably break off coming back from Arundel as, apparently, it will be difficult to recover the boat at S&A later that 4.30pm. We will then join up with you for the evening meal at The Arun View.
Looking forward to this - just hope the weather is good
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
27 April 2005, 15:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Bracknell
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Posts: 531
Once you've launched at the S&A on the Saturday morning you will only need to come about half a mile down stream until you come to the marina.
I will send you a PM in a minute with my mobile number.
Give me a call when you come under the road bridge just before the marina and I'll guide you to where we'll be.
Born to stuff!!
27 April 2005, 18:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 288
Thanks Phil
I will give you a call - what sort of time will we be going to meet the others at Selsey?
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
27 April 2005, 19:52
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by Noddy
Thanks Phil
I will give you a call - what sort of time will we be going to meet the others at Selsey?
The Gas tower is a land mark for those coming from the sea and I think we should leave LAmpton about 10/10:30 AM to (meeting place for the welcoming party harbour entrance) meet up with the armada say 11 just off Selsy Bill. We are still to agree radio channel.
Is this time acceptable to those coming from the Solent?
Will you all be travelling in a group? Have to set a meeting place?
How can we ensure that no one is left behind?
Shouldn't we appoint a leader?
27 April 2005, 21:13
Country: Other
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Posts: 344
Sounds good Andre
Unless its changed since we've been away.
Post 134 and 144 is still standing regrding the solent muster which will tie in with meeting the Littlehampton posse at 11 at the Bill.
No one hs PMed me or indicated i think since then to say they cant make it at the locations.
quote from posts
"How about sub barrier main passage 10.17 and 45 seconds
Chister 10.34 and 35 seconds - west pole or another suggestion ????
I'll stick a map up if the consensus is ok"
Joint Ribtickler 2005
27 April 2005, 21:31
Country: UK - England
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Okay with us. We will be at the sub barrier at approximately 10.17 and 45 secs
M & A
27 April 2005, 21:51
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 and not a second later
Joint Ribtickler 2005
28 April 2005, 08:15
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
many thanks and yes posts 134 & 144 still stand and now post 228
the welcome party will meet you all about 11 AM
I have booked the weather so please pack your shades and sun tan cream and no harm in taking your dry suits and woolly hat as well
and please remember we are having a picnic lunch so don't forget to pack your sandwiches and something to drink
any ideas on an agreed VHF channel
28 April 2005, 14:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Farfetched
Make: Solent Ribs
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How long do I need to allow to get from Town Quay at Lymington to the submarine barrier? And how easy is it to find the gap in the barrier rasther than hitting it - given our recent history!
28 April 2005, 15:18
Country: Other
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 344
Originally Posted by Andre
any ideas on an agreed VHF channel
77 usually causes confusion so I think we should stick with that..
Joint Ribtickler 2005
28 April 2005, 15:20
Country: Other
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
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Posts: 344
Originally Posted by brucehawsker
How long do I need to allow to get from Town Quay at Lymington to the submarine barrier? And how easy is it to find the gap in the barrier rasther than hitting it - given our recent history!
should be about 50 mins and 36 sec i would think unless the weathers is crap
dont worry about hitting the barrier there will be a couple of us already stranded on top of the blocks a head of ya
Joint Ribtickler 2005
28 April 2005, 16:00
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by jackeen
OK so Channel 77 it is
call sign "RIBNET CRUISE"
29 April 2005, 11:25
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 134
Originally Posted by jackeen
"How about sub barrier main passage 10.17 and 45 seconds
Chister 10.34 and 35 seconds - west pole or another suggestion ????
Sorry for the lack of posts - too much work interrupting surfing
We will be at West Pole at 10.34 and 35 seconds, give or take 5 mins with full tanks, a packed lunch, sun cream & waterproofs and will monitor Chan 77 now we have got the radio working again
29 April 2005, 16:22
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by Janet and Bill
with full tanks, a packed lunch, sun cream & waterproofs and will monitor Chan 77 now we have got the radio working again 
Now that is the spirit and this is what one may say being prepared
hopefully you will not need the waterproofs  but no harm just in case
30 April 2005, 12:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Bracknell
Boat name: Boatless and lost
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Posts: 531
Thats it on the advanced meal orders I'm afraid coz today is my last trip to Littlehampton before next weekend.
Those that haven't ordered in advance, not to worry because this was only done to aid Paul at the Arun View as we are such a big party.
Cheers all
Born to stuff!!
02 May 2005, 11:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth
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Posts: 265
Without being a pain, can anyone summarise where the solent meets are on each day, It looks as if I can cancel the 2 games I have booked and attend one of the days If I am allowed
Where is the meet for sat or sun and at what times?
02 May 2005, 19:08
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
Length: no boat
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by Andy Stevens
Without being a pain, can anyone summarise where the solent meets are on each day, It looks as if I can cancel the 2 games I have booked and attend one of the days If I am allowed
Where is the meet for sat or sun and at what times?
not so sure what you are on about. Has this something to do with the cruise to LAmpton cos this is a 2 day event you are most welcome to join for both or any one of the days. Please checkout the posts
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