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Old 04 May 2005, 19:03   #261
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Originally Posted by Martin
Seems to be possibly West Force 5. Now I know that we are all tough ribsters but does it seem to be a good idea to be rounding Selsey my reckoning at about 11.00 ish just when the tide is turning to give wind over tide situation?

At around 9.00/9.30 I reckon the tide would be with us, making for a more pleasant trip.

Good point Martin . The forecast does look a bit on the bad side at the moment , I just looked and it indicates a force 6 in the morning but as Andre says lets wait till thur/fri to see.

Leaving earlier is a good option and may be prudent. Andre and JK are very familiar with these waters, having travelled them many times, and I'm sure they will advise closer to departure when a more reliable forecast is known on the most suitable rendezvous point for both parties.

Biggles - we will be more or less clear of the IOW so really open sea conditions may apply if the wind direction stays as it is.

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 04 May 2005, 20:30   #262
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Word of warning

Hi All

Cant make this cruise but was considering a trip down to Little Hampton to see Andre and Wiesa bank holiday at the end of May, My intention was to tow my boat down stick it in the water and leaving it either on a mooring or in either of the marinas, Andre suggested camping at the Ship & Anchor and leave my boat in the marina there. I spoke with hellen at the Ship & Anchor today who has informed me that they dont accomodate visitors at the marina and dont have any visitor moorings, the best they could offer was to let me put my boat in and out on there slip way and keep the boat out of the water by my tent.
Then they told me it would cost me £17.50 a night to camp and a further £3 a night to keep my boat by my tent so £21.50 a night

we were considering 5 nights but at £21.50 a night wont be going to the ship and anchor.

So i called the Marina at Little hampton, after telling me that it will cost me £60 for 5 nights plus £15 in and £15 out (£90 total) add to this they say you can only get in 4 hours either side of high tide and the 27th onwards high water is late in the day means either late boating or getting out very early in the morning, then they tell me "actually we dont have space bank holiday weekend anyway"

So if you were thinking of camping at the ship & anchor and leaving your boat afloat then forget it ! ....your only option is to put it in and out and keep it by your tent.

Good luck and hope the cruise goes well
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Old 04 May 2005, 22:35   #263
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
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Well the way I look at it Im not doing this every week so, as we say in Rib Circles, "lets push the boat out"? I have worked it out that it will cost me £55.00 for the weekend at Ship and Anchor which includes two launches. Yes its a "rip off" but thats the way of the world. We camp all over the country and for a commercial site the Ship and Anchor is not expensive. However their facilities seem to leave a lot to be desired for the price but hopefully I will not be using them much?
Looks like Drysuits will be the order of the day.
Andre - Have you decided what time we are actually eating at The Arun View? 6.30 seems a little early but I understand if some of you are going out on your boats later. We wont be joining you for that Im afraid - but will watch with interest?
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
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Old 05 May 2005, 06:58   #264
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Originally Posted by Noddy
Well the way I look at it Im not doing this every week so, as we say in Rib Circles, "lets push the boat out"? I have worked it out that it will cost me £55.00 for the weekend at Ship and Anchor which includes two launches. Yes its a "rip off" but thats the way of the world. We camp all over the country and for a commercial site the Ship and Anchor is not expensive. However their facilities seem to leave a lot to be desired for the price but hopefully I will not be using them much?
Looks like Drysuits will be the order of the day.
Andre - Have you decided what time we are actually eating at The Arun View? 6.30 seems a little early but I understand if some of you are going out on your boats later. We wont be joining you for that Im afraid - but will watch with interest?
Noddy.....Have a think about camping somewhere cheaper and launching on the public slipway at little hampton, this will be cheaper and your likely to get better facilities at an alternative campsite, and alternative to this i looked into was keeping the boat in the Marina at little hampton, bank holiday weekend seems to be out but this weekend might be ok, and worked out at £3 per metre plus £12 (non bank holiday launch fee) it might be a cheaper option.

What i wanted to do was launch once and leave my boat afloat, i was attracted to the idea of just rolling out of bed and going boating without the hassle of launching and recovering every day.
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Old 05 May 2005, 07:04   #265
Country: UK - England
Town: Carterton, Oxon
Boat name: Trigger's Broom
Make: FRib
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki 15hp 2/s
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 288
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
Noddy.....Have a think about camping somewhere cheaper and launching on the public slipway at little hampton, this will be cheaper and your likely to get better facilities at an alternative campsite, and alternative to this i looked into was keeping the boat in the Marina at little hampton, bank holiday weekend seems to be out but this weekend might be ok, and worked out at £3 per metre plus £12 (non bank holiday launch fee) it might be a cheaper option.

What i wanted to do was launch once and leave my boat afloat, i was attracted to the idea of just rolling out of bed and going boating without the hassle of launching and recovering every day.
I will know better next time Bilge Rat - Unfortunately we have a campervan so parking in Littlehampton would be a problem. I'm with you regarding getting out of bed straight into the boat but we would all like to live in "utopia". I am hoping the ship and anchor fee includes them launching and recovering our boat?
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
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Old 05 May 2005, 07:57   #266
Country: UK - England
Town: Bracknell
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Posts: 531

Just looked at the weather for the weekend and it looking like the sun will shine on us, especially Sunday.

I was going to offer some sort of contingency plan if the weather was going to turn nasty but I think I'll hold off for now. (Comes with the job!!)

Have we decided on final meet times?

Can I suggest we appoint a contact person from each of the two groups who can exchange mobile no.s incase of any issues on the morning.


Born to stuff!!
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Old 05 May 2005, 09:18   #267
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Originally Posted by Noddy
Well Andre - Have you decided what time we are actually eating at The Arun View? 6.30 seems a little early but I understand if some of you are going out on your boats later. We wont be joining you for that Im afraid - but will watch with interest?
Would 7 -7:30 PM be ok for din din .
Dress code informal
no dry suits permitted
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Old 05 May 2005, 11:09   #268
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Littlehampton Cruise 2005- Evening meal


Updated list of participants who have confirmed they would like to have the evening meal at the Arun View.

Please post a message if you are not on the list and would like to join in

Roy Smith - 2 persons
Louise & Richard - 2 persons
Martin & Anto - 2 persons
Janet & Bill - 2 persons
Scurvy_Crew - 2 persons
Aedge - 2 persons
Peter Smith - 4 persons
Martyn & Ann - 2 persons
Phil & Tracy Chitty - 2 persons
Andre & Wiesia - 2 persons
John Kennett - 1 person
Jackeens - 2 persons
Simmons0 - 2 persons
Brucehawsker - 2 person
Aging Youth - 5 persons
Steve Green - 3 persons

37 persons so far

The meal will be in the main restaurant area including the new extension.
Full view of the river
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Old 05 May 2005, 12:22   #269
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
Littlehampton Cruise 2005


Littlehampton RIB Cruise 6/7 May 2005

This is the very latest update

17 ribs so far

The Solent Group

The Jackeens - "Zebedee" - B & B at seafront
Louise & Richard - "Blue Ice" - Arun View
Martin & Anto - "Remedy" - Nelson Hotel
Simmons0 (David & Harry) - "Tombouy" - Arun View
Janet & Bill - "Juno" - Nelson Hotel
Scurvy_Crew & Ribald - "Pendragon" - camping at S & A
Aedge - "Fujimo" - Quayside B & B
Brucehawsker "Farfetched" - Quayside B & B
AY & Kathryn + 3 "Southcoast II" - Quayside B & B
Benc + 5 "Intrepid" -

Welcoming party from LAmpton

Steve Green + family - "Lynx" - at home
Tony Hancock & family - "Seashells" - at home
Peter Smith & family - no name as yet - camping at S & A
Martyn & Ann - "Martann II" -camping at S & A
Phil & Tracy Chitty -"Galaxsea 2" - Arun View
Andre & Wiesia - Seahawk 2 - Arun View
John Kennett - Seahawk 2- B & B ????
Roy Smith - ??

Sadly Richard - "Nautibouy" - cos to work has had to back out
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Old 05 May 2005, 13:06   #270
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Originally Posted by Phil Chitty
Can I suggest we appoint a contact person from each of the two groups who can exchange mobile no.s incase of any issues on the morning.

happy to help Phil

07790 551442

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 05 May 2005, 13:38   #271
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Would just like to wish you all a great weekend - whatever the weather and whatever you all decide!

The ThunderCats racing will be on at Ventnor, so if you do go ahead with the cruise, it would be great to see a few of you come past on your way home (if possible)

Either way, take care everyone, have a safe journey, an enjoyable journey and have a bevvie for me !!

All the best, John.

************************************************** ********
Xtreme Water Training.
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Old 05 May 2005, 14:11   #272
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by stroker1
Would just like to wish you all a great weekend - whatever the weather and whatever you all decide!

The ThunderCats racing will be on at Ventnor, so if you do go ahead with the cruise, it would be great to see a few of you come past on your way home (if possible)

Either way, take care everyone, have a safe journey, an enjoyable journey and have a bevvie for me !!

All the best, John.

************************************************** ********
Xtreme Water Training.
Thanks John, the weather will be the most deciding factor but I am sure that some will want to see the racing.

Just in case pls give us a tip how to find / recognise you so one can wave or wave back

Have a good day as well
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Old 05 May 2005, 16:12   #273
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Martin
Has anybody else been looking at the weather for Saturday? Seems to be possibly West Force 5. Now I know that we are all tough ribsters but does it seem to be a good idea to be rounding Selsey my reckoning at about 11.00 ish just when the tide is turning to give wind over tide situation?
As we are approaching springs at around 11.00 ish the tide will be approximately 0.8 knot and by about 11.30 2.2 knots against us and the prevailing wind! I can imagine that it could get quite nasty around there.

At around 9.00/9.30 I reckon the tide would be with us, making for a more pleasant trip.

This is my current thinking open to suggestions and advice. Clealry the weather forecast may change and it is too early to decide, but just throwing this into the melting pot!

Phil & I tend to agree with Martin and suggest an earlier start. Also best to avoid Selsy Bill and take the slightly longer route via Outter Owers.

Can we suggest a meet at the Owers at 10:00

Paul, yes we would like to take up your kind offer and nominate you the leader of the Solent group. Can you please print out the lastest list and ensure that nobody is left behind.

From LApmton to the Owers it is 10 Nm
from the Owers to Nab Tower it is also 10 Nm but you will be no need to go up as far as Nab Tower only much earlier to set course on the Outter Owers

Channal 77 call sign RIBNET CRUISE

Have a safe an enjoyable crossing
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Old 05 May 2005, 16:42   #274
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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overnight mooring

This is how we see the overnight mooring

Visitor's mooring by the Harbour Master's office

The Jackeens - "Zebedee"
Martin & Anto - "Remedy"
Janet & Bill - "Juno"
Brucehawsker "Farfetched"
AY & Kathryn + 3 "Southcoast II"
it is £12.00 per rib and the harbour Master would prefer if one person could collect the monies and pay at his office

at the Arun View

Louise & Richard - "Blue Ice"
Simmons0 (David & Harry) - "Tombouy"
Scurvy_Crew & Ribald - "Pendragon"
Martyn & Ann - "Martann II"
Peter Smith & family
Benc + 5 "Intrepid" unless you are staying closer to the Harbour master's office
Roy Smith -

Littlehampton Marina

Steve Green + family - "Lynx"
Tony Hancock & family - "Seashells"
Phil & Tracy Chitty -"Galaxsea 2"
Andre & Wiesia - Seahawk 2
Aedge - "Fujimo"

The LAmpton Marina charges £2.00/meter

I do hope this is acceptable. I had asked the Harbour Master about security overnight and was told that they have never had any problems. So anybody wanting to make safe their ribs can still do so. Hopefully the necessary insurance is in hand ect. Also anyone wanting to have launch & recovery at the LAmpton marina should have valid insurance policy with them
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Old 05 May 2005, 16:50   #275
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Farfetched
Make: Solent Ribs
Length: 6m +
Engine: 150hp Suzuki
MMSI: 235021048
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 963
Can we now have a revised RV time at the Submarine Barrier, please, Paul?


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Old 05 May 2005, 17:29   #276
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Yo Bruce,

Just off the phone talking with Andre, we're reviewing/looking at the weather conditions and discussing the various options open to us.

More or less along the lines we talked about this morning bruce on the Dog & Bone.

Andre will up date ya all later .

happy camping

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 05 May 2005, 17:52   #277
Country: UK - England
Town: Midlands
Make: Nautique
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Engine: PCM 5.7l
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Posts: 1,082
When we went up the river it was low water so had to check the depth all the time. At one time I had to drop anchor to clear the water inlet cos my engine overheating alarm came on . There is a lot of muck in the water so watch the engine temperature.
Is this likely to happen to all of us Andre?
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Old 05 May 2005, 17:55   #278
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Originally Posted by simmons0
Is this likely to happen to all of us Andre?
No just 1.7 merc diesels

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 05 May 2005, 18:12   #279
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by simmons0
Is this likely to happen to all of us Andre?
I am pretty sure now that this was because Seahawk 2 was overnight on the pontoon by the slipway and at low water in that spot there is a lot and I mean a lot of muck. I probably picked up some then cos once I cleared the water intake it did not happen again. Mind you no harm in watching the engine temp gauge
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Old 05 May 2005, 18:40   #280
Country: UK - England
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Portsmouth Contact

Hi Guys & Doll's

Always glad to help out, my contact number is 07761 864043.

I will be launching from the ECA in Langstone Habour (weather dependent) will Rendevous with the others near the Submarine Blocks.

Alternatively we will travel to littlehampton by car and meet you all in the Marina or Harbour office side thumbing a lift


My Final decision regarding the weather will be made after tomorrow nights updates on the forecasts.

Iwill post my definitive plan approx 20:00hrs Friday.

Aging Youth
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