March Matters
March 17th Solent 'Cruising of the Feckless' update as follows:
Eastern Solent
contact Paul 'Merlin' or Jimbo 'Sidewinder'
Aging Youth Nautibuoy Portsmouth
Andre & Wiesia ? Seahawk 1VSidney1, Lynx, Galaxsea 111 and Seahawk IV will depart LAmpton about 9:00 Littlehampton
Andy & Ricky (thorper) Sting Portsmouth
Antoinette & Martin Merlin & boat Portsmouth
Bogib tbc Portsmouth
Hightower Merlin Portsmouth
Hugh Jardon & Debs Viper Portsmouth
Jerry & Crew (boat name Jerry?) Portsmouth
Jimbo & Nos4r2 & laser Sidewinder Portsmouth
Mark Halliday Family Renegade Chichester
Nasher family Nasher's Revenge Chichester
Nauti Buoy Nautibuoy Portsmouth
Neil Harvey Vixen Portsmouth
Ollyit & Amy tbc Portsmouth
Pete 7 & family FlyBy 11 Portsmouth
rickuk 3 Hyde Away Portsmouth
Robin & guest Nautibuoy Portsmouth
tcwozere Nautibuoy Portsmouth
the jackeens Merlin Portsmouth
Western Solent
Contact Milo 72 on this number : 07971 25 85 15 
Biggles Zerstorer Warsash
blimp Ask me in 3 weeks!!! Cork!!!! via Lymington with a mighty flag (don't forget ensign & RIBnet burgee also
Gray & BenC Jaws Southampton
Ian M XS Ian M Lymington
JABS & crew Mistoffeles Hamble
Milo 72 x2 boats Challenger & DevOcean Lymington
Peter J Eighth Child Southampton
RJH Corsair Southampton
Slimtim (RIB Build Champ) & merry crew Hotshot Yarmouth
the bandit The Bandit Solent Breezes/ Warsash
Apologies, there are bound to be omissions & misst/mistek/mess/ errors

so please update thread
Martin & Stephanie thank you for good wishes! Richard & Biggles thanks for all weather updates!
Anyone else interested? Please post!
Cool Pompey Dudes will meet
Southampton Hot stuff (and beyond) at Calshot 11.51 or Cowes at 12.03.
Port Solenteers breakfast Lloyds at 9.02 (all welcome!)

Lightship for 10.49

Comms Chn 77 !
Cheryl Greenwood of The Folly is expecting us! And there may be Irish Stew on the menu!
Wearing green stuff and mad outfits is encouraged as is the playing of diddley-eye music and riverdancing (on pontoons only). Quaffing 'Irish Cappucinos' would be an ideal pastime for crew

If 'tis your first mad RIBnet blast have a read of JK's
RIBnet cruising advice.More details summarised soon. Please continue to add any weather updates!
Kathleen & Paul