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Old 02 June 2004, 22:47   #21
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richard b

i can see what you are saying but i now have a nice rib so i followed what i normally do in such times ie when i got into landrovers i joined the landrover owners club still a member with no landrover now. when i got the l200 truck from work i join the l200 club all the above clubs have like minded people that will bend over backwards to help were they can so as a new ribber i looked at the BOBOA web site to join and could not see what it had to offer to me as you have said
although it is generally a club for long distance cruising and racing. However, the membership can easily change this by organising cruises suitable for smaller boats. It only happens if you make it happen.

if it had appealed to my self the problem would be solved as lots of sub five meter boats would be members and running a small boat thames cruise as well
as the big event

it needs to cover more sizes of ribs in its events for us to join and become
apart of what is on offer members are great at making other wellcome

i can,t afford the BOBOA member ship as i spent all my money on my rib and two stroke oil but when i save up again i may become a rib net member as you say it well worth it but i want a flag and car sticker for my money

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Old 03 June 2004, 08:06   #22
Country: UK - England
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Have a question for the BIBOA advocates....... My boat will run unloaded at 30 knots and will cruise comfortably at 25......all i've seen from BIBOA is larger RIBs capable of cuiseing at 40+ knots. My question is, if i join and bring my boat along to a cruise will you all be happy to cruise along at 25 knots ?

Think about it !!

I've absolutely nothing against BIBOA or anyone wishing to cruise as a club and maybe JK's right (again) if more sub 5 metre owners joined then there would be more slower boats staying together following the faster bigger boats to the destination, but at the moment there does not seem to be many.
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Old 03 June 2004, 08:57   #23
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Greetings Bilge !

Before I had ( a share of ) a rib , Through BIBOA , i was introduced to Alan who welcomed me along to to last years East Coast Rivers . I met lots of experienced folk including JCW ( who was cruising in a 4.8M ) , whom I now share a rib with.

I suspect that on any cruise there is a temptation for smaller ribs to push it , to try and keep up with the biggers jobs , but any Skipper worth his salt will not succumb to that. I've since been with BIBOA to the Scillies and just like Ribnet gathering last year in the south west , the bigger guys always wait for their lesser cruising companions. It may pay on a smaller rib to have a second competant crew , who can give you a break as your "comfort" stops may be a little shorter.
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Old 03 June 2004, 09:08   #24
Country: UK - England
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Hi Bern

I'm kind of playing Devils advocate here with this thread, i can see both sides of the argument and think for my own needs, if and when i do eventually succum to the dark side and buy a bigger RIB i will probably want to go cruising further afield and will probably join BIBOA.
One thing us sub 5metre gang do seem to mis out on is the socialising off the water during over night stops whilst cruising, because of the size of our boats and our ability to carry vast amounts of fuel we tend to stick to mainly days out cruising.
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Old 03 June 2004, 09:12   #25
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
Have a question for the BIBOA advocates....... My boat will run unloaded at 30 knots and will cruise comfortably at 25......all i've seen from BIBOA is larger RIBs capable of cuiseing at 40+ knots. My question is, if i join and bring my boat along to a cruise will you all be happy to cruise along at 25 knots ?
Although lots of the bigger boats may be capable of cruising at 40 knots in good conditions, not many people are going to want to keep that sort of pace up for long unless it's flat.

In my exoperience, trying to cruise side by side is generally a mistake unless the boats are exceptionally well matched, or the conditions are very good. The bigger boats will be more comfotable cruising faster than you, but as long as they wait for you to catch up occasionally then there should be no problem.

I've done quite a bit of cruising in a 5.8 metre RIB in company with bigger boats and a lot of the time all I could see of them was the occasional splash on the horizon. It doesn't take long to make up the distance when they stop though.

If, has happened occasionally in the past, they just charge on ahead and wait for you in the pub then that's not so good!

BIBOA was very useful for us when Becky and I started ribbing, but mainly because of some of the people we met. As it happens, most of my more demanding cruises have not been with BIBOA but it did get us started. At the time it was a unique opportunity to find like minded people, but things have moved on a bit since then.

So, if you like what BIBOA do, then join them and you'll get the chance to do some great cruises in very experienced company. If you don't like what they do then either join and try to change it (if you can be bothered) or just get your own groups together and do your own thing

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Old 03 June 2004, 09:15   #26
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Rich, join me on the next big cruise... it'll be an eye opener i promise. Plus you can buy me those beers you owe me

As a note, Brian's top speed is not very much more than 25knts and he tends to cruise all day at that speed - he alse organises a superb cruise for "beginers" (to long distance cruising that is) and i guarantee everyone will wait for who ever is the slowest. It's the SW cruise and it's next weekend. Yes you do need to carry 100nm's worth of fuel and IMHO you need a 2nd competent driver.
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Old 03 June 2004, 09:19   #27
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
One thing us sub 5metre gang do seem to mis out on is the socialising off the water during over night stops whilst cruising, because of the size of our boats and our ability to carry vast amounts of fuel we tend to stick to mainly days out cruising.
That's simple! Pick somewhere as a base for the weekend and go out on day cruises on Saturday and Sunday with a some social beers on the Saturday night . . .

BIBOA events that have used this format include the annual Easter bash at Yarmouth IOW, the West Country cruise, the East Coast Rivers cruise and ScotRIB. They're not all epic long distance adventures!

Why not arrange to go down to Dartmouth or Falmouth for a week's cruising? There are loads of options for day trips round there, in some of the best cruising grounds you'll find anywhwere.

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Old 03 June 2004, 11:04   #28
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
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Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966

Thanks for the offer and i will take you up on the next big cruise offer and yes your right i do owe you lots of beer too

We were actually seen and i'm starting to take stick for it already !!

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Old 03 June 2004, 11:14   #29
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Originally Posted by John Kennett

. If you don't like what they do then either join and try to change it (if you can be bothered) or just get your own groups together and do your own thing

Been there, done that. (All JK's fault )
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Old 10 June 2004, 16:49   #30
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When ???

Sorry to be a bit dumb but has a date been set cause I might try and meet up.

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Old 10 June 2004, 17:08   #31
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No date as yet. I am thinking of somewhere around the 6th August but I need to check my schedule after the SW Cruise.

Its all got to go - make me an offer...............

Skype - alexgreig
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