Hi guys.
Thanks for all your comments.
I've been through the forum and have found some great bits of info, especially from The Gurnards posts

great stuff.
Unfortunately I can't make it to the ERR this year, so its going to be a solo trip for me when I get up there at the end of May.
Staffa, Muck and round the Mull would be great, however I think that this year I'll stay relatively "local" to Oban.
Thanks for the advice with regards to going clockwise
Easdale is on the cards and thanks for the invite Tony and would love to drop in for a chat.
I was in and around Easdale last May doing a spot of diving. Great place, especially the Oyster Bar where I got a lovely hot soup and coffee.
With regards to tying up a RIB there, where can I do this so that I can get a bite to eat in the Oyster? Who would I have to arrange this with?
Tobermory is also on the cards as is Loch Sunart & Salen - I'm looking forward to the cafe and the homebakes
Glencoe is on the cards if I get a chance.
With regards to the Falls of Laura, what is the best way/method of transiting this area to get into Loch Etive, i.e. what stage of tide etc.?
Again, thanks for all the info and advice.
Presently I have a number of passage plans prepared, Oban - Easdale - Ardoran - Glencoe - Tobermory - Loch Sunart - Loch Spelve - Loch Etive - Loch Creran and hopefully some more
If anybody has any further ideas or suggestions please fire away.
I'll try to do a write up of my experiences during and after the trip.