Is anyone around on the 16th and 17th October for playing out at Fleetwood?
Although we have had our RIB for a couple of months now, we have yet to get beyond the Fairway Buoy - or about 2 miles - and the day we got there was a mistake!! We were out with a friend who is a keen and experienced sailor, so when he didn't balk at the conditions, I thought it was obviously OK to continue!! When we crested a particularly big wave and he said "I've sailed in winds like this, but I've NEVER seen waves this big before!!".
I turned round. We came all the way back in on 4 waves!! New underpants, and everything was OK again...
To be fair, this has been down to dreadful weather and conditions - not just my inability to drive. The lightest wind we've encountered has been a F7, the biggest waves 10-12ft.
SO - current plan would be to do some cruising!! ANYWHERE!! If the weather is decent (i.e. bloody brilliant), maybe Anglesea or beyond, or the Isle of Man. If the weather is a bit dodgy, eEven Peel Island (only 10 miles) for a drink would be 8 miles further than we've managed so far!! Some company would be good, especially as we haven't been anywhere yet!! Any interest?!?
P.S. For those that wimped out of the Ireland Trip - THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!
P.P.S. HT Sat 13.08, HT Sun 13.47