Originally Posted by ajstars
I don't hold a licence for the non tidal areas. I think Petersham requires it. Other option was Battersea but I can't find any info on the slipway apart from its next to the church!
Non-Tidal Thames Licences:
I've brought day licences from a lock keeper when I have launched at Windsor.
Environment Agency - Visitor registrations for powered boats
Battersea Church London[slipway] - Boatlaunch)
Slipway information:
Phone Number: PLA 020 7743 7900
Ramp Description: Good concrete ramp onto hard standing forming a draw dock. Often a sill at the end of the ramp so take care when launching. Ramp is often blocked by parked cars.
Directions: Slipway is upstream of Battersea Bridge on the south bank. Follow Battersea Church Street and the slipway is next to the church.
Ramp Type: Concrete
Upper Area: Shingle
Lower Area: Shingle
Suitability: Large trailer needs a car
Ramp Length: 1/4 tidal
Facilities: Street parking but limited. Cars are often parked on the ramp.
Cruising Area: River Thames
Navigational Hazards: 8 knot speed limit above Wandsworth Bridge. This part of the river tends to have less traffic than further downstream.