04 September 2002, 22:59
Country: Denmark
Town: Copenhagen
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Posts: 252
Well I just thought I was leaning something new here......
Hmmm, maybe I just did
English jokes....
I know nothing I'm from ..... Well not Barcelona, but anyway.
05 September 2002, 05:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Camel
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 46
Right Then,
so we have loads of people who want to do it and Loads of people that want to do it in different places. Personally I thein AP suggestion is V good. However It boils down to North or South. Could this be a Kob for Keith ( MORI Poll ) Hart.
Rene If it does happen in the North then I am sure we can find you a truck and trailer to get your boat to the Rendevous.
05 September 2002, 05:53
Country: Greece
Boat name: SUN KISS II
Make: Nuova Bat 9 Falcon -
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Posts: 639
If you are willing to travel to UK for a weekend, then we should meet up and discuss the details of going there together. I wouldn't start a solo travel to UK just for one weekend.
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"
05 September 2002, 07:11
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
Length: 10m +
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Posts: 1,711
I think everyone should come to Jersey. This will solve the great North - South rivalry and our European friends can join us much easier!
05 September 2002, 07:53
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
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Posts: 1,801
 Hi chaps
Okay then seeing as I started this perhaps I should suggest a solution. I can at least be called impartial as I come from the Midlands (Meriden, the centre of England, is only about 5 miles from my house, as far from the sea as you can get, excluding my house in Scotland of course, which is as near to the sea as you can get!).
Let's have TWO RibNet meetings. One in the South in Spring. This would allow our continental friends to come. One oop North in the August as Alan Priddy suggests.
So, Poole (check out the tides there!) has been suggested. Are there any other contenders? Remember whosoever suggest the venue must be able to do a bit of arranging of slipway use, pubs, etc.
Back to you folks.
Keith (this sounds like fun) Hart
05 September 2002, 08:27
Country: Greece
Town: Athens
Boat name: Sofia - Konstantina
Make: Wave
Length: 5
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Posts: 82
Michael ,
I was thinking in the lines of a week's visit and spending the weekend for the "mass meeting".
However, I will be glad to travel together. When the meeting will be finalised (place, exact time), we can discuss the travel details.
24 September 2002, 16:01
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
Well, is it Poole then?
I'll co-ordinate the Ribbers going. If whoever suggested Pole will do the local arrangements.
Keith (revitalising the thread) Hart
24 September 2002, 16:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
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Posts: 2,837
Originally posted by Keith Hart
I'll co-ordinate the Ribbers going
Aernt you bringing your SIB keith?  Or is this a slip-up and it should read i'll co-ordinate the RIB and SIB er's going?
24 September 2002, 17:14
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
No Daniel, that's what I meant. As I expect to have the only SIB there, I'll co-ordinate the Ribbers and look after myself.
Anyway, everyone is welcome.
So who is planning to come then?
Keith (the lonesome SIBBER) Hart
24 September 2002, 17:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
I'll be there!!!
I've got lots of petrol to use up in my SIB... so you won't be the only one, Keith!
What about dates? I'll go and see when I'm allowed out.
24 September 2002, 17:36
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
Length: 10m +
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Posts: 1,711
What we require is the following:
How long is everyone staying?
Is it just a p*ss up or a bit of a cruise?
24 September 2002, 18:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Posts: 5,015
How about October 5th / 6th - as you started the ball rolling, Keith, are you free that weekend?
With the low pressures hovering in the Atlantic, it could turn into Charles's last option  But if it's any later in the year the SIBs will need the RIBs to be ice breakers!
24 September 2002, 18:52
Country: Belgium
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 459
Keith, take the bull by the horns...
as you are the rib.net unofficial commodore, I think you should make a strong managerial decision re dates / places !!! go for it and let the others work round it !!
After all this thread started nearly a month ago and winter draws near
(ps: free beer for you all weekend if it gets held down south, no pressure )
24 September 2002, 18:53
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
My idea would not be to go for a ‘cruise’, but rather to meet somewhere we could do some local trips, mess about in the boats, do a bit of cross decking (I said cross DECKING not cross dressing!), drinks and a meal in the evening etc. Just an informal gathering organised over the ‘net. No club, no fees, just pay your own expenses, come and go as you wish sort of weekend. I’m thinking of the sort of messing about in boats weekend that would include the tiddlers (ie. me) and bigger boats alike (Brian in Cyanide, we could go for a swim in his on board swimming pool
My idea was for sometime in the Spring next year.
Pepper, I will buy anyone who turns up with a SIB a pint!
Oh yes, I'll also do some car stickers.
Keith (I'll be there) Hart
24 September 2002, 19:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
Originally posted by Keith Hart
sometime in the Spring next year
That'll be good for me.
Keith, one of those beers has got my name on it!
24 September 2002, 19:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcester
Boat name: Cheap 'N' Cheerful
Make: Avon C
Length: 3.5 metres
Engine: Mariner 8HP O/B 2 stroke.
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Posts: 134
Keith, Remember you are not the only sib! I might have no engine but I hope to change that over the winter. Pepper, Keith is tea total but as his official "rotwieler" I drink for him. TLS. By the way did no-one think about a meet in the north sea. Lots of things to see at places like Bamborough, Holy Island etc.
24 September 2002, 22:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837
Spring - yep i'll be there. October - need to know a date ASAP if anyone fancies it, and i'll try and make it too. Keen to put names to faces - or is that faces to names!
dbillyboy - Bill i think - if we have an end of season meet you can borrow my 4hp Merc for the weekend if it's any good - unless, of course i decide to borrow a SIB and come down and drink a KH beer!
25 September 2002, 06:16
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
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Posts: 1,801
18 November 2002, 07:10
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
Hi JK, should this be moved to the cruising thread?
Hi folks, seeing as the SIB expedition is as far up North as it is possible to get on the mainland (well okay, I know that Dunnett Head is actualy a bit further, but that is not a good place for SIBs to cross The Pentland Firth) [Is anywhere?], lets have the mass-meeting on the South Coast.
Right, somewhere back in the thead, someone suggested Poole. Now is the time to own up (we can always check afterall), and get in touch again. We can discuss facilities etc.
March sometime?
Oh yes, how about some Poole Factoids?
Keith (come out whereever you are) Hart
18 November 2002, 14:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally posted by Keith Hart
Hi JK, should this be moved to the cruising thread?
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