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Old 31 August 2002, 09:08   #1
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RIBNET - mass meeting


Despite the colourful disagreements about legislation, it is quite obvious that we all care deeply about our hobby (in some cases profession). The SoC sendoff weekend was great fun and it was good to put faces to the names. There are often threads on RIBNET for people to meet up and go on cruises (Graeme Cooper’s Cherbourg trip for example) together. BIBOA also caters for get-togethers of ribbers.

How about we arrange a ‘get-together’ weekend for RIBNETers, so we can put a few more faces to the names, and perhaps continue a few discussions!

My idea would not be to go for a ‘cruise’, but rather to meet somewhere we could do some local trips, mess about in the boats, do a bit of cross decking (I said cross DECKING not cross dressing!), drinks and a meal in the evening etc. Just an informal gathering organised over the ‘net. No club, no fees, just pay your own expenses, come and go as you wish sort of weekend. I’m thinking of the sort of messing about in boats weekend that would include the tiddlers (ie. me) and bigger boats alike (Brian in Cyanide, we could go for a swim in his on board swimming pool).

Perhaps we could go to Bristol and stay on Jools’s PoB? How about North Wales, plenty of reasonable B&Bs up there?

It may be too late for this year now, but who knows. Well, what do you think fellow RIBNETers

Keith (I hope this has more success than my Highland Explorer - I was the only one who turned up) Hart
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Old 31 August 2002, 11:14   #2
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I might be up for it if someone is willing to let me go on their boat due to me not having my own (I will of course contribute to fuel). North wales sounds good, used to spend a lot of time when I was younger in a little village called Tudweiliog (spelling?) near Neffyn, Pwhelli. Also most of our club's boat dives are done from Anglesey, love the place.

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Old 31 August 2002, 11:25   #3
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Just a question.
Could/should this be combined with The Return of Spirit of Cardiff?
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Old 31 August 2002, 13:00   #4
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A SoC return is a good idea as well. I was thinking perhaps the Spring of 2003. Sod it, why not do both?

I'm going up to Scotland at the end of this month and I could bring Quicksilver back again.

Keith (perhaps I could get a trailer for it) Hart
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Old 31 August 2002, 18:40   #5
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The spring of 2003 sound great. If we start organising it now. Maybe everybody will have time to get this event into their calender.

If somebody else would like to join in from the mainland of Europe, I would like to do a cross channel trip as well. I wouldn't like to go alone for the first time.

That is if you would like someone from Denmark to join the cruise, or what ever we decide to do

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Old 31 August 2002, 19:00   #6
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If you can't find anyone else from the continent to cross the channel with, let us know and I'm sure that someone will come over from the UK and escort you!

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Old 31 August 2002, 20:01   #7
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Thanks John

I'm in for it..

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Old 31 August 2002, 22:40   #8
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There are a lot of Ribsters in the South coast, if it was held down in the Solent then maybe we could all put our visitors up.

Great idea it has my full support, perhaps we can get a party sponsored by the SSR!

Rene, I was born in Copenhagen and now live in Southampton. we would be happy to come over with you accross the channel.
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Old 31 August 2002, 23:11   #9
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Pfft south. The north is FAAAR superior!
If we do it next year sometime I might have my freediving technique improved, and possibly be spearfishing, so I could always catch some fish and we could have a bbq on the beach (providing noone is offending by spearfishing, it is after all the least destructive way to catch fish). Just a thought.

Still looking for someone to offer to trust me in their boat

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Old 01 September 2002, 09:25   #10
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I would love to join you in Spring 2003, that is if you don't have any objections.
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Old 01 September 2002, 18:56   #11
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Why would we have any objections? If you are prepared to travel from somewhere warm and sunny to a wet and windy UK, you would definitely earn a big welcome!

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Old 01 September 2002, 19:03   #12
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Count me in.

I know all about the british weather. I've worked in London for four years (1988 - 1992). Actually my first daughter was born in london.
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Old 01 September 2002, 20:44   #13
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Spring next year sounds a great idea - count me in - wales is a fair drive in my 1973 range rover tow vehicle though - might need shares in Elf - but i'll be there.

It'll be great to meet loads of like minded people, the only reason i havent made an 'event' yet is that my diary is usualy full months in advance and i often work weekends.

Great idea keith.

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Old 01 September 2002, 21:12   #14
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Get Together

I would love to join the fun.2003 sounds good as I do not have a boat yet (Still considering the Ribeye for anyone who kindly responded to thread on the subject)
I hope to have made a decision and bought a boat by 2003!!!
My only experience on RIBs was in the Solent - Cowes week - and have to say it seems a perfect place to party but then I am sure there must be lots of good venues which I will hopefully find out in future.


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Old 01 September 2002, 22:00   #15
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Please add my name to the list. Is someone keeping a list?
The unoffical cruise on the Thames this year was an excellent event.
I would prefer the Solent as a venue, especially in the Spring when its not too crowded, but am open minded on where it should take place.

How about the last May Bank holiday as a date? Just an idea.
Geoff Campbell
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Old 01 September 2002, 23:50   #16
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what an interesting development. ribsters are a micro-subset (and typical enough, i'd venture) of that part of the male (95%) population that thrives on challenge, technical intrigue and are largely driven. a site such as ribnet (excellently laid out imho) might have thought to have been sufficient vis a vis communication needs (technical info -sharing for mutual gain, jocular 'ribbing', symbolism, rule-making, hierarchical admiring etc.) but NO! Mr Hart shows the demand for physical space-sharing and emotional interaction (albeit couched in alcohol-freindly, non- committal and 'safe' surrounds). The Internet isn't all it was cracked up to be. Even the English don't find it sociable enough! WOW!
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Old 02 September 2002, 21:03   #17
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RIBNET - mass meeting

Great idea, this! Could I suggest Poole Harbour as a meeting point? Lots of slipways, lots of car parking, and if this is both RIBs 'n' SIBs, then Poole is SIB friendly even if it blows a bit. And more space (once you're out past the chain ferry) than the Solent.
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Old 02 September 2002, 21:09   #18
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Err, me thinks gaelforce has been using to much tube mending glue,
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Old 02 September 2002, 21:14   #19
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Poole would suit me fine but in it only has 1 public slipway !!!!

For the SIB's Lake Drive is ok but the rest want an arm & leg for launch and recovery !


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Old 02 September 2002, 21:32   #20
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Originally posted by MarkWildey
Poole... only has 1 public slipway
Mark, have a look at - it lists eight!

I was thinking of the Baiter - Ok it's a fiver, but loadsa space.
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