On the Saturday evening, the Royal Welsh Yacht Club have kindly offered their facilities. The RWYC is situated within Caernarfon Castle walls and you can imagine there is quite some history, and to quote their website:
'The headquarters of the Club are situated in Porth-Yr-Aur (the Golden Gate), built in or around 1284 as the historic West Gate, or Watergate, of the walled Royal Town of Caernarfon – we lay claim to the building being the oldest yacht club premises in the world.
The Western gate to the town was constructed in or about 1285 as a seaward facing twin-towered gatehouse with a small projecting barbican, and taking its name from its position facing the setting sun. It was the only entrance in medieval times for the commerce into the town from the Quay side; the entrance was originally protected by a portcullis, and would also have had massive wooden doors within. In the late 18th century it housed a battery of seven cannon’s against possible invasion from Napoleon’s forces, and today retains at least one starter cannon for sailing Regatta’s. Our Headquarters at Porth-yr-Aur is probably the oldest and most unique premises owned by any Yacht Club in the world.'
Well this exclusive venue is ours for the night. I have arranged for an evening buffet meal to be provided by RWYC at £10 a head and £5 for children. The buffet is yet to be confirmed but will be something like a Chilli and rice with some side dishes followed by homemade cake for those with a sweet tooth. They will also provide any special dietary requirements if we know beforehand. Spaces are limited to 40 including children. Confirmation, along with payment will be required by 27 April 2017.
For those who would prefer Chinese, then Fus is just a 10 minute walk across Caernarfon Victoria Doc. However you will need to book directly with them - see
Fu's Homepage.
The RWYC have a bar and will be serving all evening including tea and coffee. Everyone is welcome whether you eat at the RWYC, Fus, elsewhere or just fancy a social drink. It will be a great opportunity for all of us to get together and share the stories of the day!