We normally go to the needles and watch the race, its quite a sight with the horizon wall to wall with sails across the Solent. Also witnessed numerous yachts cutting too close to the light house and going aground, not forgetting the wreck of the Varvassi and Goose rock which again at low tide can catch the unwary out……………………yet they keep coming back to them every year! lol
Once round the point the run down to St Catherine's is also fantastic to watch, especially if the yachts are running with the wind and have spinnakers up.
Hurst is also quite a sight, not a lot of room and quite a few boats, gets busy!
One year we were sat off Scratchells bay in amongst 100’s and 100’s of yachts all becalmed ( that year many didn't make the finish due to the lack of wind ) and the following year, storm force winds off the western wight – that was fun

Oh. no restrictions as far as I'm aware. just keep an eye out and use a little common sense on where you park