02 December 2005, 08:42
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02 December 2005, 08:56
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
Thanks Roy
Is this the times for PZ? The Slip drys out 1 hr either side of LW.
02 December 2005, 09:22
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yes Penzance - but just saying it dries out 1 hr either side of low water doesnt help - at springs or neaps - if you look at the depth of the tides at the start of the week - they are more than a meter different than the end of the week - do you know at exactly what depth the harbour is dry ?
02 December 2005, 09:59
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By my reckoning (using the rule of 12ths)
The tides during my 1 day trip launch window (8-9am) are as follows.
DATE 8am - 9am
26th 2.5 - 3.0
27th 2.0 - 2.4
28th 1.7 - 1.7
29th 1.9 - 1.6
30th 2.2 - 1.5
31st 3.2 - 2.1
01st 4.2 - 3.1
Which I think rules out a one day trip on wed/thu/fri as the tides will be below 2m (this is assuming 2m is the kind of depth that Penzance stops being usable - If anybody knows the actual depth above datum that you can still launch at Penzance slipway this would be usefull).
So we are left with either a 1 day trip Monday, Tuesday, Saturday or Sunday or back to the 2 day option allowing us to launch later.
I will try and ring some more accomodation today - to see how receptive they are to extremely late notice on the actual day we come out.
02 December 2005, 14:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
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Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by roycruse
I will try and ring some more accomodation today - to see how receptive they are to extremely late notice on the actual day we come out.
Money talks  "but it don't dance and it don't walk"
02 December 2005, 15:54
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 6
daddy wont let me come
02 December 2005, 16:27
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Posts: 421
Originally Posted by luke cruse
daddy wont let me come 
That's not fair, Luke.  You've been a loyal crew member to him. Out in all weather, tied to your post and now he's planned a decent trip you've been kicked to the shore.
02 December 2005, 17:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Have another sad motley crew member to join the dishonourable ranks aboard the good ship "Hey Joe" for this voyage. His name is Dave Doom and as of the 4th of Jan he will officially become a "Pikey Caravan Shifter".
03 December 2005, 10:37
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
04 December 2005, 10:38
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
Originally Posted by roycruse
By my reckoning (using the rule of 12ths)
The tides during my 1 day trip launch window (8-9am) are as follows.
DATE 8am - 9am
26th 2.5 - 3.0
27th 2.0 - 2.4
28th 1.7 - 1.7
29th 1.9 - 1.6
30th 2.2 - 1.5
31st 3.2 - 2.1
01st 4.2 - 3.1
Which I think rules out a one day trip on wed/thu/fri as the tides will be below 2m (this is assuming 2m is the kind of depth that Penzance stops being usable - If anybody knows the actual depth above datum that you can still launch at Penzance slipway this would be usefull).
So we are left with either a 1 day trip Monday, Tuesday, Saturday or Sunday or back to the 2 day option allowing us to launch later.
I will try and ring some more accomodation today - to see how receptive they are to extremely late notice on the actual day we come out.
Hi Roy
After having a chat with a mate who sails at PZ a lot and checking the chart there is a small channel out past Albert Pier, he recons we should be able to launch even at low tide although we will have to back down the slip and onto the sand! It does look possible as the chart gives a depth of 0.3-0.6 in that channel above CD but we might have to wait say 45 mins either side of LW if the bottom of the harbour looks a bit boggy
04 December 2005, 12:42
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
The other option if we really cant launch at PZ is to go to Newlyn, I’ve never used this slip but it can be used on "all tidal ranges", however the road is very narrow and even more so to the slip!
PZ left Newlyn right
04 December 2005, 18:04
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Good recon work shaggy - do you reckon we will get away with an early launch any of those days then seeing as the lowest its going to get between 8am-9am is 1.5m - I have been ringing accomodation today and no one is interested in 1 night they mostly have 3 nights minimum booking as its not economical for them otherwise.
Im going to try calling the tourist board in the morning to see if they have any suggestions but if not then that puts any ideas of a stop over to bed - unless you want to camp
If the slip is particularly bad at low tide I might have to ask mollers to put my boat in the water for me with his L200.
I might make a trip down there myself and check out the ramp at extreme low tide and see what I think.
04 December 2005, 19:47
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
Hi Roy
Ill go and have a look at PZ slip tomorrow at lunch time its only 15 min drive from here, LW 1335 1.1 Mtr, ill post some pictures
Shame about the accommodation, I guess they are keeping their options open as they might get a weeks booking for Xmass/New Year.
We might be able to sort something out a day or two before, I’ve also heard of people sleeping on the floor of the Mermaid but generally when they fall over Drunk
04 December 2005, 20:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 8,875
My kinda pub!!  Just catching up guys. I've been shopping in Bristol for the last couple of days!  Groomie (Dave Doom) has a Disco and is an offroad nutta, so with that or my Mitzy launching shouldn't be a prob Roy.Parking the vehicles and trailers might be bit of an issue though. The pay and dis carpark is tiny and Stevo and co. aren't to be messed with either.
04 December 2005, 23:27
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
Originally Posted by Mollulnan
My kinda pub!!  Just catching up guys. I've been shopping in Bristol for the last couple of days!  Groomie (Dave Doom) has a Disco and is an offroad nutta, so with that or my Mitzy launching shouldn't be a prob Roy.Parking the vehicles and trailers might be bit of an issue though. The pay and dis carpark is tiny and Stevo and co. aren't to be messed with either.
Err its not that small, well the one in PZ anyway but the Newlyn one is a tad small, I think we will be OK launching from PZ, ill post the pictures tomorrow anyway.
Not sure how safe it is over night in PZ though! I can arrange for the cars and trailers to be kept in Hayle over night in a friends car park that is locked and has security or I think the Heli Port allows trailers as well as cars and isn’t too far away.
"What Car Parking Facilities Are Available?
Car parking is available at the Heliport, benefiting from a 24 - hour security presence. There is ample space but please allow 10 minutes extra in case your space is at the extremity of the Car Park. Rates are reviewed annually and are presently £5 per day."
I can get Makayla to shuttle us back to the Quay  from either Hayle or Pz Heliport
05 December 2005, 14:55
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
Well been and had a look, the worst bit is getting to the slip, in the summer you can drive through the car park but this time of year they have put a fence up around a load of boats being stored on the car park, effectively closing off access to the slip from the car park (the easy route), so the only way to the slip is down a narrow ramp, so its going to be a bit tricky but doable, see picture thats my L200 on the slip for scale.
The water at 1.1mtr above CD was about 500mm for approx 20 meters then the depth looked like approx. 1Mtr so no worries with launching, just going to have to walk the boats out a bit.
From left to right
Ramp to Slip from road, LW Slip, our way head  Slip, ramp and my L200, top ramp from slip.
05 December 2005, 15:00
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 642
A nice humber in the harbour
05 December 2005, 15:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 8,875
Groomie has a front hitch on his Disco, so a bit of wriggling shouldn't be a prob. So will you be kippin' in a drain pipe in Newlyn this eve Shag? As you are on a top secret recon mission. We'd allow you to break cover for a quick one in the Swordfish, but you're on the wagon. Anyway you'll be stinkin' of fish from hiding out in drains it could
draw attention to you. Good work.
05 December 2005, 15:58
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Good work Shaggy
That's kind of got me hoping that fair weather lands on the Monday/tuesday or the Saturday/Sunday/Monday (where an extra meter or 2 of water will be most appreciated) - whilst I agree it is possible - id rather not be dragging my boat through all that mud/sand at 8am in December if I can help it.
Ive spoken to isles of scilly tourist board about getting short notice one night accommodation for 5-6 people and they said the only option would be St Marys Hall Hotel - but their cheapest rooms start at £70 a night which is quite a bit more than I had in mind - and at this price would stop my mates from being interested as well.
So I think I am officially abandoning an attempt to stop over.
I am dependent on you guys for help launching if we are to go wed,thu,fri as I will not be able to put my boat in at low tide without your trucks.
I am still very much up for this one day "much more well 'ard than the solent lots" adventure.
So with only 21 days to go - is there any days that any of you cant make it.
As I said I would prefer mon/tues or sat/sun/mon (although sun is new years day - may be a problem with hang over) but this is purely from an easy launch perspective and I can be available and "up for it" any day from 26th to 2nd inclusive.
05 December 2005, 16:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
I've got a two man tent.  . Interesting that the Solent boys have to advertise for "Double 'ard Ribsters". It goes without saying with us boys.
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