27 March 2009, 20:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Scotland from 1st April
My son and I have 10 days from 1st April and will be trying to visit new cruising grounds (for us). We have no fixed plan - just many variations, all dependent on weather. The last two years we have had rain/high winds and poor vis. We never saw the Culliin Hills just low cloud at 500'!
We are starting from Northern Ireland and will aim to get up to Oban in one hit. If we see a weather window we might make a run up to Kinlochbervie and then on round to the Orkneys. or go the other way through the Caladonia canal.
Or simply stay on the West Coast or .. or or...
so many nice places
So lets have some RibNet conacts from these parts
It would be great to meet up and put faces to names, or even have you join us for a leg.
Either post or PM - whichever you prefer.
I will use this thread to update you haw we get on and to gain local knowledge where needed.
cheers Paul
27 March 2009, 21:22
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Originally Posted by Paul Beaurain
My son and I have 10 days from 1st April ...
Paul that's early. We always have snow in April. May is often much better.
Anyway, enjoy your cruise.
27 March 2009, 22:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Too early?
Last year we came over around the 4th April. we had to run the cabin heater, until the sun had some heat in it, ice on the pontoon and tubes in the morning, we did have a gale also.
Lets see if we end up in B&B after a few days...
Where are you based yourself?
Caladonia Canal Question
Typically what height drop occur in the locks? does the level change by 1m 2m ?
27 March 2009, 22:04
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,925
That sounds very... interesting! Storm Breaker was looking particularly fetching when I towed my wee beastie in for her service a couple of weeks back. You must be the Important Customer they keep bumping me for . But never mind - if you get snowed off the Isles, keep the Islands of Donegal in mind, they're MUCH warmer .
27 March 2009, 22:59
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Moray Firth
Boat name: Lochran
Make: Northcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF90 4/
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 72
hey Paul,
Forecast doesn't look too wonderful at the moment. We've had a few days with the ferries on the west coast disrupted due to high winds - and fresh snow on the hills!
I live in Inverness and have been down the canal a few times (though not in the RIB - it's easier just to launch into Loch Ness) I can't say for sure what the drop in the locks is, but at a guess-timate I'd say it was nearer 3-4m or even more. They are big locks, not like the ones you get on small 'guage' canals down south. I'm also not sure when the canal opens fully for traffic.
I'd guess you'd get a lot of info from the british waterways website?
If you get round to the Orkneys it would be a hell of a trip!
28 March 2009, 18:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Canal info and other
Hi Don
Thanks for the lock info. 3-4m drops. I will rig longer bow/stern lines for this.
The Caladonia website is usefull, I have downloaded the 'form' for booking a transit. I will pay on the day, as until we get there we wont know so to speak.
The website shows all OK for passage with no stoppages. just the lock keepers work slightly reduced hours at this time of year.
Re the weather - well we will just have to review it at the critical decision stages.
Redbay do seem to run a busy workshop -
We do want to do Ireland ...
Thanks also for various PM's from people
cheers Paul
29 March 2009, 10:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
New pontoons at Oban?
There was talk of a new marina on the Oban side (rather than just the current one on Island of Kerrera) has this happened? any info please.
29 March 2009, 11:20
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
Boat name: Breawatch
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 150 F/stroke
MMSI: ex directory!!
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 6,203
Originally Posted by Paul Beaurain
There was talk of a new marina on the Oban side (rather than just the current one on Island of Kerrera) has this happened? any info please.
Hi paul as far I anderstand still only Dunstaffange and Kerrera, as the plans are still being discussed for the 'bay' one.
Bruce B and Alystra are the boys who live locally so they will be able to advise the plans.
Cheers for now jave a good trip unfortunately it is too early for me or I would have joined you on the Sound of Jura.
happy ribbing:smile:
31 March 2009, 18:15
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
Hi Paul,
I think Jambo's right. Marinas are Ardfern, Craobh, Kerrera and Dunstaffnage.
Thursday looks the best day, Friday ok and wet on Saturday. I don't like the look of the Low just to the west on Saturday, but Heather the Weather - well it was Gail the weather actually, didn't sound too bothered this lunchtime.
Just a tad too early for me too. I reckon the weather needs another couple of weeks to settle, and anyway I need to antifoul and use a bit of spit and polish.
Have a good trip.
02 April 2009, 10:22
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
Guess you somewhere on the west coast now. Looks as if you're having some beautiful days.
04 April 2009, 17:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Update for everyone
Its now Saturday 16.30 we are Fort Augustus on loch Ness.
Some adventures we have had so far.
We have been keeping ahead of the weather changing - which has moved our pace on a bit. So now is the first half day.
Quick summary so far, will post more when back and some images.
Day one Wednesday 1st.
Fly to Northern Ireland collected boat and had chat with the good people at Redbay.
In the water for 15.00 - how far and easy going was it going to be.
We targeted Gigha then crinan all went well and with the tide with us and a southery 4 we made good progess to Tobermorey arrived at dusk.
Thursday, Fueled up Left Tobermorey for as far north as we could get.
Brilliant day the sun came out and stayed out - wind increased during the day to Force 6. Run up Sound of sleet, around Kyle of Lochalsh and on past Applecross (saw Monty Halls croft) then up north. Heavy going from here, we stuffed once in a big way - and despiet the cabin - we had water everywhere! we had to run 30 deg off the waves then 'tack' and run 30 degrees off the waves the other way. Hid behind Hanna Island and then made good progress into Kinlochbevrie. Arrive 16.45, disscuused fuelling and got fed from the Ice plant where they feed ice and red to the fishing boats.
The harbour master did way we were the first baot to visit this year!
Cape Wrath has a reputation, and we wanted to respect that, the problem was the favourable tides were from 01.30 or 13.30.
so we got up at 3am and left at half past. we run out into still airs but some rolling swell. In the dark you see nothing so even 10 kinots seems fast. Slowly we built up our speed and ran at 20 kts. Steering by a chart plotter and compass is real hard work, so the moon added a welcome reference to steer byWe rounded The cape while in the dark and the seas flattened out to dead flat. Steered for Old man of hoy and awaited the dawn.
Clear and sunny we made the hoy just as the sun was up. Problem now in leaving at 3am not 1am was the tide was wrong in the sound of hoy. we had huge standing waves and as the depth dropped from 60 metres to 8 they were breaking. But we got through and into Stromness for 07.30. Within 1 hour the whole place was fogbound for the whole day.
looking at the forecast we could see big winds coming in for Orkney. initailly we had until sunday noon. but each time we looked the arrival was to be sooner. It meant keeping moving or waiting a week in Orkney!
Saturday (today) again the Penland Firth tides needed to got right. we were up and realised that the fog was still here.
WE left at 03.30 and followed a preset route. I have never seen such poor visibility. We ran out and had a few scares and false alarm scares also. We ran at 17 kts. just on the plane.
Duncansby head wa not seen, but the waves were big and iregular and with fog and darknes very disorienting. we could take any more so planned to bale out for Wick.
Bryn was flagging so I got his sleeping bag out and he was gone. I stopped for 15 minutes and let me recover my senses. dawn was here but still fog. a regular wave pattern was developing so I could steer to this, just checking the compass/plotter from time to time.
As we headed south now for Helmsdale the seas eased and the vis improved
so I could now see a chance to get right down to Inverness before the Winds reached the forecast 6-7 possibly 8 in the East (from midday)
We arrived at the Caladonia Sea lock and locked in and paid our dues.
Stooped for a quick sleep andthen at 15.30 across lock ness to Fort Augustus. wind was on the nose force 6 short steep seas (jsut like the Solent on a bad day) so thats it for now.
We are two days ahead of schedule and are needing to slow up and enjoy doing very little
Upadate you at next intenet cafe I find
04 April 2009, 17:38
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Err, aren't you supposed to take your time and enjoy rib cruising!
Anyway, enjoy the rest of your cruise - and get some sleep!
04 April 2009, 23:14
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Length: no boat
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 330
Sounds like really hard work for a holiday! Hope things run smother for the rest of your break. Enjoy your well earned rest.
10 April 2009, 10:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Arrived safely back at Redbay
Got back to Redbay on Wednesday.
Have been asleep since arriving back!
With two of us helming there has been good opportunities for enjoying the scenary.
I will post a final section and some images.
The way the weather was we had to eather keep pushing on - or wait over for an un-known length of time. Some of the smaller ports may have lost their interest at that point.
cheers Paul
10 April 2009, 12:34
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,925
Originally Posted by Paul Beaurain
Got back to Redbay on Wednesday.
Nice one lads!
After that last post, I'd have thought Redbay might spring for a full tank for your return leg. You can't buy PR like that...... it would look nice on their site with a pic or two to add colour.
10 April 2009, 13:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Wild West
Boat name: No Boat
Make: No Boat
Length: under 3m
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 5,306
Wish i was there!
Sounds like you are enjoying it! and you've certainly got the right craft..for some 'heavy weather'look forward to seeing some pics
10 April 2009, 18:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Images Day 1 - Redbay to Tobermorey
image 1 - launching at Redbay.
image 2 - Arriving tobermorey
Departed 15.00 arrived at 19.00 conditions flat calm but overcast.
10 April 2009, 18:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Images day 2 Tobermorey to Kinlochbevrie
Day 2
Beautifull day but increasing southerly winds (OK for going North)
image 1 Perfect conditions (on plotter you can see Eigg and Rhum)
image 2 Skye Road bridge
image 3 Monte Halls place (ex)
image 4 Kinlochbervrie - the pritiest place we visited
on arrival the harbour master said we were the first visitors this year!!
image 5 The view from our restuarant summed up a great day
10 April 2009, 18:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Images day 3 Kinlochbervie to Stromness Orkney
Today was an early start at 03.30 - rounding Cape Wrath by moonlight. Perfect conditions on what was a beautifull dawn as we approached Orkney.
image 1 - Approaching Orkneys
image 2 Landfall at the Old Man of Hoy
image 3 moored up at Stromness
image 4 Bryn 'at Stromness'
After a great run we had arrived by 07.30 we had breakfast at 'Julias' and then did some shopping and used the first class showers etc. when we came out the fog had come down - to stay...we did the Meuseum at Lyness in the afternoon to learn more about Scarpa Flow and the Orkneys role during two world wars.
10 April 2009, 18:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Towcester
Boat name: Rupert
Make: Rupert R7
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki 200
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 332
Day 4 Saturday 4th images Stromness to where?
Worst fears were thick fog.
So thats what we had. The tides through the Pentland Firth would only be favourable until 0700. So we got off 03.30 and ran with less than 100m vis for 3 hours. Bryn on radar and me on everything else. not much to photograph when its dark and foggy!
Image 1 dawn just arrived we have rounded Duncansby Head and heading for wick - Did we stop was it more dangerous to try to enter harbour an unfamiliar harbour or to stay out on an almost empty sea?
With dawn and some coffee and Bryn now asleep and vis lifting a little - we had flat calm so I chose to run for inverness. (forecast was NW 7 by lunchtime - backing SW later) so we were always running to keep ahead of the weather - you cant turn down flat calm when its on offer.
image 2 Arrived at Clacknaharry Sea lock (Kessock Bridge over Inverness Firth in the background)
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