Yep!...Date is Friday 22nd March with a One Night stop-over,Although if weather is Good I may stay for two

So Far Confirmation from
Tony T (Possible)
I will be launching from Watchet,and meeting up with Chris ect Mid Channell.
Looking to on the Water by 10am.
I would be gratefull to Anyone else who has shown interest to confirm so I can get some idea of final numbers.Cheers.
As stated I'm hopeing we can secure the 'Barn'-'Bunkhouse'... Sleeping Bags needed...or else We'll be Camping!..Only 50m from the Delights of The Marisco Tavern! Fried Breakasts-Excellent Food-Good selection of Ales-Guiness-ect so should'nt be too extreme

Can be a Great time of year to visit,as anyone who travelled with us befor will Atest!
SO.... Who IS Comeing!??