10 March 2005, 07:33
Country: UK - England
Town: NW/SW/Nigeria
Boat name: none
Make: none
Length: 6m +
Engine: none
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 147
as said above we start the cruise today.........................hang on im only half packed better go
see you all saturday,
Kathleen and Paul talk to you later and see you tonight
10 March 2005, 07:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 584
Electrical Gremlins
Hi Guys & Doll's
I am verry sorry but myself and Froglover will not be able to make this shake down cruise due to the Electrical Gremlin striking again
I hope you all have a great time and look forward to hearing all about it at the next Solent Gathering in the Churchillian.
Now I need to find a good marine electrician! Any volunteers, beer tokens can always be provided
Please PM me with details or phone me on my mobile 07761 864043
Best wishes
A very Sad
Aging Youth
10 March 2005, 07:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Farfetched
Make: Solent
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc. 150 Outboard
MMSI: Lucederterv...?
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 50
Originally Posted by brucehawsker
Yeah, count us in. We are at last getting sorted. Where would it be best to meet you given we come out of Lymington?
What's happening about Ribex and the Solent stand, the Ribex site is v. vague. <wink>
10 March 2005, 10:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Faversham, Kent
Boat name: C Rider
Make: Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 80
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 513
Originally Posted by Aging Youth
Hi Guys & Doll's
I am verry sorry but myself and Froglover will not be able to make this shake down cruise due to the Electrical Gremlin striking again
I hope you all have a great time and look forward to hearing all about it at the next Solent Gathering in the Churchillian.
Now I need to find a good marine electrician! Any volunteers, beer tokens can always be provided
Please PM me with details or phone me on my mobile 07761 864043
Best wishes
A very Sad 
Whatsup wiv it?
Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
10 March 2005, 10:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837
Kevin if i can do anything to help... I'm affraid i don't have two spare seats or you'd be invited as you know.
10 March 2005, 10:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: SMH Rib / War Shot
Make: Ribtec / Scorpion
Length: 4m +
Engine: 100hp Yam/150hp opt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 2,069
Calshot at 1130
Will be at Calshot at 1130.
Probably in Scorpion BUT, if anyone is seriously interested purchasing my 5.4m Searider - see boats for sale - I might be persuaded to bring that along as well!
10 March 2005, 10:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Salcombe, Devon, UK
Boat name: BananaShark
Make: BananaShark
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2xYanmar 260 diesels
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 4,225
Hi there AY did you ever sort out the problem with the Hotel at Ribex last year?
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
10 March 2005, 11:02
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
Hi all
Having not been involved in this thread since the first couple of pages I’ve attempted to catch up.
Unfortunately Saturday has not been possible for us since the beginning, but we’ll be out on Sunday if the weather holds.
I’m not wimping out on the weather, its just I’m very careful not to push the kids too far. They enjoy the boat so much at the moment, and I don’t want to put them off at all. Its difficult, as I like the weather/sea to be a bit rougher to increase the fun, but they are only 8 and 6, and could easily be frightened and put off for life. Don’t even mention going out without them at the moment as I’d get lynched when I get home.
Hopefully I’ll see some of you on Sunday, otherwise I’ll hear all about it on Monday at the Churchillian from anyone that’s coming.
10 March 2005, 18:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Good decision Nash. See you on Sunday & Monday night at Church.
Kev you are both very welcome to jump on a boat?
Ian Austin, Action Man and g/f have arrived safely from Plymouth
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
11 March 2005, 07:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 584
Offer of Help & Lift
Hi everyone,
My thanks to you all for the kind offers of a lift. However, as much as I would love to come with you I need to sort the boat out. For those of you who have asked the Electrical gremlin keeps dropping out the GPS & Fuel Flow Unit. Cuts out for no reason then reboots itself when it feel's like it & resets itself. This Navman unit was new in early 2004 (can't find the reciept). I have checked all conections they all seem ok.
Daniel Enjoy your weekend I'll catch up with you later. Bruce thank's for the offer have sent you a PM.
Cookee I did try to resolve this issue however, the 2 Hotels concerend were most un co-operative and without involing solicitors would have got very messy & expensive.  I put it down as one of life's experiences. Not much help to you I know hope you will understand  Good luck with the comming season give my regards to Kitten.
I hope the weather is kind for you all to have a great time on the water this w/end.
Aging Youth
11 March 2005, 07:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Salcombe, Devon, UK
Boat name: BananaShark
Make: BananaShark
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2xYanmar 260 diesels
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 4,225
Originally Posted by Aging Youth
Cookee I did try to resolve this issue however, the 2 Hotels concerend were most un co-operative and without involing solicitors would have got very messy & expensive.  I put it down as one of life's experiences. Not much help to you I know hope you will understand  Good luck with the comming season give my regards to Kitten.
Thanks for the update and the best wishes Kev - I'll say hi to Kitten for you!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
11 March 2005, 07:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Solent Shakedown 12/13 March
Boats and Contacts
(Here's a draft list of craft involved. Please liaise with your contact person asap to advise them of your launch arrangements and to check on others in your group. Then they can use Chn 77 for comms - or mobiles.) Saturday 12
East Solent Group: Muster at The Lightship Portsmouth at 10.30 : 16 boats
Andy & Ricky ( thorper) (tornado)
(Bonza 2 )
(Falcon 1)
(Old Spice)
(Plane Animal!)
( Paul 'jackeen' is the main contact on 07790 551442 )
Mid Solent Group : Muster at Calshot from So'ton/Cowes 11.30 : 12 boats
Couz (RIB)
Craig’s Da (Revenger)
King C and his RIB
LeewayComposite RIB
MikeCC and RIB
(Top Banana)
(Wake up call)
(Zapcatters x 2)
(Daniel -DJL- and Slimtim will be the main contacts for this group. Dan on 07950 704563. Slimtim on email or private message)
'West Solent Group' muster at the 'Platform' marker outside Lymington 12.00 4 boats
N.B. This group may prefer to muster at Calshot with the 11.30 group?
Julian (Lyas) & crew (scorp)
(Northern Exposure)
( CJL and CND will be the main contacts for this group on 07968 351721 or CND 07780 534239 for morning arrangements )
Sunday Launchers in addition ; 7 extra boats. Calshot meet 12.00. Blast down as far as the Needles depending on conditions  Photos  ) refreshments Cowes. Comms Chn 77 or use above mobile contacts
Andy Stevens' tohatsu
(Bloody thing by wife)
(Dragon Khan)
Jon Brooks and friends POOLE
(Rough Quest 11) (?)
(Scooby Doo)
Please advise of any alterations/ errors/omissions etc. by pm or on here.  Saturday looks breezy but still a NW emphasis so hugging mainland might be better.
(If anyone else is out there and suddenly fancies a spin...just send a pm or post on here or give us a bell on the day/s...)
Many thanks
Us  [/QUOTE]
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
11 March 2005, 08:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
Boat name: Tabby Cat
Make: Halmatic
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x Yamaha 115
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 388
I wont be coming by water as my new boat hasnt arrived. Where are you planning on going on both days as I can meet you all their, as I live on the island.
11 March 2005, 08:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth
Boat name: Champagne Eyes!!!!
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 76
Hi Chaps
I would love to be coming with you guys but there are things as you know we are waiting to happen as Mrs Nemo is now about 5 weeks from giving birth to a litte Nemo!
Plus ive got to bloody work all weekend!
Enjoy the weekend! I will see you on Monday Night!
11 March 2005, 09:07
Country: UK - England
Make: Avon 5.4, Avon 3.4,
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 90, Merc 30
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 2,003
They still havent told me yet when my new trailers going to be ready im praying its gonna be today!!! The I’m in a good position for this weekend solent bash - Bought the lightboard and chain in to work ready to pick it up hopefully
Keep your fingers crossed for me guys … im panicking now
11 March 2005, 09:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
I plan to go down to the Camber for about 9.30 so I can give a hand with launching if anyone wants it, and then cadge a ride with someone.
I'll be bringing the latest bit of RIBnet kit -- a laser speed gun! So we can do some speed tests for anyone who is interested (and see just how fast those ferries actually go on the way out of the harbour!)
11 March 2005, 10:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Leatherhead
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 907
Originally Posted by John Kennett
I plan to go down to the Camber for about 9.30 so I can give a hand with launching if anyone wants it, and then cadge a ride with someone.
I'll be bringing the latest bit of RIBnet kit -- a laser speed gun! So we can do some speed tests for anyone who is interested (and see just how fast those ferries actually go on the way out of the harbour!)
Any chance of "borrowing" that bit of kit for one of my duties, John - could have some sport with that.
BTW if you check out http://www.aislive.com/InfluxPortal/...outh%20Harbour you can get real time info from them boats fitted with AIS. The odd transgressor does exceed 10knts
Peter (nick, nick) T
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
11 March 2005, 11:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Havant
Boat name: Mrs Chips
Make: Scorpion
Length: 7m +
Engine: Optimax 225
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 38
Just to say have a great weekend - wish I could be there!
Have fun and be safe
11 March 2005, 11:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837
I'm leaving...
(Borrowed) trailer and range rover left in Margate this morning, i'm just about to get a lift to the harbour to collect boat for recovery... then i'm setting off. See you all in the morning.
11 March 2005, 13:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: STROKER-1
Length: under 3m
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 46
Hi everyone - have only just got onto your forum and have rapidly sped through all the posts regarding your spin for this weekend.....
WOW - are my first thoughts, what an absolutely great bunch of people. Up until now, i have only really been keen on the PWC front, but now i have a rib-tec 5.3m, decided to come and see what the scene is like on here.
I have a couple of burning questions with regard to tomorrow / weekend - is the event still open to late entrants and would there be an accommodating requirement OR a dislike to a responsible PWC user coming along with you all and being some kind of marshal/safety aspect of the trip aswell ?
The PWC is a 4-stroke capable of 45 knots and i am reasonably happy up to a force 7.
I am offering this service just to be a part of this excellent event and am open to any suggestions !
(uh-oh, somehow think i may have left myself open for this one  )
Please let me know - thankyou, John.
mobile: 07970 344610.
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