Well cracking run up on Saturday, F5 gusting 6 but pretty sheltered in the Thames estuary, Ramsgate to Limrhouse in about 3 hrs including the last 45 mins from just before the barrier at 12knts. The speed limit is new since I last did this trip 10 yrs ago.
Sunday a bit less pleasant - still aching Tuesday from 3 hrs wind over tide into a headsea & the RAIN - thank goodness for gecko helmets.
It was a lot windier than forecast Sunday and made for a slow trip home.
Limehouse were very hospitable and have a good number of visitor berths. Country to what the almanac says they are accessible HW +/- 5hrs approx for small rib's. Call them first and they will work it out on the phone.
Oh you also have to book your lock out time the night before (no one told us that though so it took a while).