15 November 2008, 18:48
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Sunday 16 November
anybody out in the Solent tomorrow? we are planning a blast across to Cowes for lunch
15 November 2008, 19:48
Country: UK - England
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I am tempted to have a blast tomorrow, I have some things to do in the morning first and should be launching at around 10:30ish. Can't meet for lunch but would be good to met up on the water. What are your plans and if out will call you on 16 or 77.
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
15 November 2008, 20:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Grimalkin
Make: Ribcraft 750 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzi 250
MMSI: 235050647
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Posts: 909
Mrs A and I are going to Newtown Creek for lunch (and risking the wrath of the harbour master again!  ). With spring high at around 12.10 and a two hour stand, there should be plenty of time for a leisurely stroll up to the pub, lunch, a drink (or two!) and stroll back. I'm aiming to get there around 12.24 but timing was never my great thing. Anybody and everybody welcome to join us  .
15 November 2008, 23:33
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 7,866
Originally Posted by Avocet
Mrs A and I are going to Newtown Creek for lunch (and risking the wrath of the harbour master again!  ). With spring high at around 12.10 and a two hour stand, there should be plenty of time for a leisurely stroll up to the pub, lunch, a drink (or two!) and stroll back. I'm aiming to get there around 12.24 but timing was never my great thing. Anybody and everybody welcome to join us  .
Your really into self punishment, aren't you
Have a great day! It's too far West for me tomorrow, I'm gonna see what I feel like, but might just poke my head into Wooten and see if the Sloops open.
I'll be monitoring 16 and 77 if anyone cares to call.
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
16 November 2008, 06:33
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Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by Hightower
I am tempted to have a blast tomorrow, I have some things to do in the morning first and should be launching at around 10:30ish. Can't meet for lunch but would be good to met up on the water. What are your plans and if out will call you on 16 or 77.
we will depart Southampton Dry Stack after 10:30 and head for Cowes. will look out for you
16 November 2008, 08:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Grimalkin
Make: Ribcraft 750 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzi 250
MMSI: 235050647
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 909
Originally Posted by Hightower
Your really into self punishment, aren't you
Have a great day! It's too far West for me tomorrow, I'm gonna see what I feel like, but might just poke my head into Wooten and see if the Sloops open.
I'll be monitoring 16 and 77 if anyone cares to call.
We Avocets are gluttons for punishment!..... but we're also gluttons for anything that the New Inn at Shalford chooses to serve us!
Have a good trip and a pint for me....... and I'll have one for you!
16 November 2008, 09:21
Country: UK - England
Town: east cowes
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Posts: 544
Originally Posted by Hightower
Have a great day! It's too far West for me tomorrow, I'm gonna see what I feel like, but might just poke my head into Wooten and see if the Sloops open.
I dont know when you last went to the sloop, but they now do a carvery. During the week it is £3.50 and the place is heaving.
On a sunday they jack the price up tp £6, so it could be quieter.
16 November 2008, 09:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 7,866
Still a good price though!
I'm off playing now!
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
16 November 2008, 18:44
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
as HW was at a good time we decided for a change to head for lunch to Newtown. Moored up next to the Bargeman's Rest. Nice pub and good food
Did anyone hear the Mayday at around 2 PM. a 7.5 mtr rib known as Grey White got caught on a lobster pot somewhere south of St . Catherine's Point. Prop out of action hence the MayDay. The crew of the rib could not give the Solent Coast Guards their exact position so the CG had to ask passing vessels to be on the lookout for the rib. They were eventually spotted and once the position was given to the CG a lifeboat was despatched from Swanage. Quite a distance for the lifeboat to travel and only hope the crew of the said rib dug deep into their pockets to fill up the charity box.
Can't understand anyone going out so far without a GPS. They wanted to deploy flares only the CG told them not to.
we ended the day out getting a yachtie out of a spot of bother in the Southampton waters
will post some photos in the Gallery
16 November 2008, 21:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Grimalkin
Make: Ribcraft 750 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzi 250
MMSI: 235050647
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Posts: 909
Not sure how to put this!
(With GPS), Mrs A and I went to Newtown today. Pub: The New Inn - excellent pheasant (I had the last one, so no good for anyone tomorrow!). Got back safely and no sign of the harbourmaster
You went (despite GPS!) to NEWPORT not NEWTOWN (although the tides for both are important!).
I went to Newport two weeks ago - The Bargemans Rest: http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?t=27119
We also heard the shout today for Grey White (heard "Dry White" although at my age .....)
but didn't hear the conclusion....
Hope all was well but agree with you that tasking the Swanage lifeboat for their location seemed a little strange.
16 November 2008, 21:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 7,866
Andre, I heard that May Day too but only the coastgaurd side of the conversation as I was recovering at that time. They asked the Crew to count to 10 and back to get a Radio fix.
Ryan (my 7 year old Son) and I just did a little bit of local cruising and waving at passing Passenger Ships etc. We visited all of the Forts and buzzed the Hovercraft  . Still, it was nice to get out and not be too cold, even saw the Sun for a couple of mins
Then it was Home to see the latest Bond film at the Flicks, so a real Father/Son weekend.
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
16 November 2008, 21:46
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Originally Posted by Andre
Prop out of action hence the MayDay.
surprised that is a Mayday rather than PanPan - but perhaps they were in some other danger?
Can't understand anyone going out so far without a GPS.
I know what you are getting at - but if they had some basic navigation skills they wouldn't have needed a GPS either - they would have known where they were (close enough for the CG to decide which Lifeboat was appropriate).
16 November 2008, 22:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 7,866
You'd have thought a "South of the Isle of Wight" would have been a good start.......Unless they didn't even know that
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
17 November 2008, 07:29
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,872
Originally Posted by Avocet
Not sure how to put this!
(With GPS), Mrs A and I went to Newtown today. Pub: The New Inn - excellent pheasant (I had the last one, so no good for anyone tomorrow!). Got back safely and no sign of the harbourmaster
You went (despite GPS!) to NEWPORT not NEWTOWN (although the tides for both are important!).
sorry but in a hurry I got my spelling wrong. I did mean NEWPORT and one doesn't need a GPS to get there
the Bargeman's Rest is a nice pub a very good food
17 November 2008, 07:58
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: Grimalkin
Make: Ribcraft 750 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzi 250
MMSI: 235050647
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 909
Originally Posted by Polwart
surprised that is a Mayday rather than PanPan - but perhaps they were in some other danger?
I know what you are getting at - but if they had some basic navigation skills they wouldn't have needed a GPS either - they would have known where they were (close enough for the CG to decide which Lifeboat was appropriate).
More information and the outcome here: http://www.swanagelifeboat.org.uk/
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