Originally Posted by donald463
Still intend to go and have a look on the Sunday. If nothing exciting happening will explore the Clyde or might go round Bute if conditions are good. 
Missed the lead up to this as we have been on holiday and are just back - anyone still going down tomorrow (Sunday); or anyone got any update from being there today? Weather doesn't look brilliant -but I've seen worse!
We are dry berthed in Largs Yacht Haven so will be leaving from there and happy to meet up if anyone else is out - just let me know where and when!
Sorry won't see you Bruce but can understand the choice of the journey or looking out your window - will catch up with you another time! ....the whole thing, including on the web, has been very poorly publicised, the only reason I was aware was via the signs on the walls of the toilets in Largs YH - get the feeling they don't want a lot of ribs around - which is more of an invitation!