Had a great day on the water
We departed Brixham 1030.
Ran down to Salcombe via Skerries buoy (but no dolphins) Sunny, warm slight SE sea, arrived Salcombe 1145 - got in before the lunch rush - still some pasties left- although town was v.busy. Left c.1230, ran down to Bolt Tail. No sign of Mr. Treerat or others.
Came back along coast sighting several seals around Start Point. Start Bay was like millpond apart from the race. Stopped off at Mew Stone at low tide admiring the seals basking there, back into Torbay, then a blast over to Babbacombe as tide was too low to get on to berth, finally getting back to Brixham at 1550.
Steady cruising @22kts 4000rpm 65NM 49l of fuel 0.75L/NM

MHB100 took some good photos, maybe he'll post some basking seals.