Not sure if I'm too late to this discussion, just found this site.
My first thought is that this would be a fantastic trip, wish I was doing it. My second thought it that 7 days isn't that much time. What is it 600 miles? Sure you can make it, but there are lots of great little spots along the way, you'll have to miss. Just curious how you are getting your boat home?
I've cruised parts of the area 3 times, twice on the southern end (gulf islands, san juan islands) and once up in the desolation sound area and bute inlet (an amazing fjord!). This wasn't on a RIB, but on chartered sail and power boats 35-50'. When I chartered out of Comox, the guy warned us all to stay clear of Discovery Passage (north end of the Georgia Straight). Currents of up 12 knots, monster standing waves when the wind is against the current, and some nasty whirlpools. Even with a rib, I wouldn't try to run with current in that area, wait for slack or take one of the passages to the east.
You'll need to do a lot of homework. With all the islands and little passages, the tide and current charts are real tricky. More than once I found myself trying to time a run with current only to find I got the offset wrong and was running into it. I have some nice photos of bouys with serious bow waves and wakes.
I haven't been north of Campbell River, so don't know what it's like when you get out from behind vancouver island. If I can be of any further help feel free to drop me a pm/email.
PS Love this site guys! I've been toying with idea of getting a RIB here in Soutern California, but haven't found any to charter to spend more time in one. The good news is that there is finally an importer bringing in hysucats. got my eye on the Stealth 8m. (