Originally Posted by Tim M
"jolly to the folly"
That's an excellent description of a wonderful day out Tim!
Our weekend started really well with Martin, Howard, JWalker and Sheila coming round to Pompey Friday night for dins out.
Then yesterday. Chris and Chris organised some perfect weather for a Solent blast and challenged all us Solent Wussies to show up!
Carly Baby (extreme as ever

) led the way with the Birdman navigating, and the crew of Explosion were munching bacon butties in Cowes while some of us were still at home searching for drysuits!
We had the lovely company of Jeff and Sheila

on Merlin as we headed off on silky blue seas to catch up at The Folly. Great to meet Carl's Bro again also ! and the gang. Ian M! Nice to meet you too! (We don't have a photo of 'the moment' but we should have some other nice ones

) Tim M and Pete were none the worse for wear (from general 'studenty things'

Lovely lunch in the blazing sunshine, then off we went and ...
Gandalf helmed Merlin home !!!! Upon which it became apparent that inside jw is definitely a boy racer!!!! OK I'm in trouble now
BTW I carried around a CD of Pauly's photos for a certain PB Instructor (who needs them for his website) all day long and didn't spot ya anywhere ! Never mind, they are still safe
As we were steaming back across the Eastern Solent in a beautiful sunset, who should emerge from Pompey but Tony & Holly in Xanthus! So we cruised home together and a gang of us met again for tea, cappucinos and chat. Oh and grub
Thanks for visiting us JW and SW and hope you'll be down again soon.
Thanks for a lovely day out Chris and Chris and look forward to the New Year blast

Lovely day, Lovely company. Himself will get to the photos eventually.
Magic !
missus very appreciative