Hi folks
Weekend off and Quicksilver back in Scotland

You may remember that I tried to arrange a 'Highlands Explorer' week for sibs and small ribs, throgh BIBOA, whilst I was up in Scotland.
Well it never came off. I had one reply and they couldn't make it after all!
Now some may say that it was too close to the Hebridean Cruise, but I don't think that was the problem as they were all bigger ribs anyway and my cruise was for smaller boats.
Perhaps the Scottish Highlands is too far for most people to travel to?
Perhaps there are very few people with sibs like mine? Perhaps those that have ones like mine use them as tenders only?
So what do I do now? Shall I give up and carry on alone?
Surely there MUST be some more owners of small ribs and sibs out there who think a little more adventurous than a quick 100 yards off a sandy beach on a flat calm day in a busy shipping lane?
I know that it was fun to go out with other boats on the SoC weekend, BUT I know that my little craft is not up to keeping up with most ribs. So what I need is to contact owners of sibs like MINE.
It is great fun to be out in a smaller boat, yes you have to be more careful about where you go, but believe me I'll bet I've taken Quicksilver into some far more excitig places than a lot of 'park it in the marina and just sit there admiring it' types.
So where the heck are you, you small rib and sib owners. Answer the call, get out your copy of the 'good Launch Guide 2003' or visit
www.boatlaunch.co.uk (don't forget the xmas card Geoff) and find some adventurous places to go.
Better still contact me and lets make some arrangements for later in the year or next summer.
You lot with big ones can help as well. If you see ANYONE with a small rib or sib tell them, nay, order them, force them, cajole them to join ribnet and make contact.
Bring the sibs and little ribs out of the closet! Actualy that would probably be quite literaly the case for a sib.
Admit you have a small one and then get on with having some fun.
Brian - Orkney next year if I can get some one to take their boat along as well.
Keith (reports of my own Highland adventure later) Hart