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Old 01 October 2006, 17:00   #181
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Old Spice home safe, Nasher phoned also home too although the passage across Southsea sea front was a little wild by all accounts.

Bramblenet giving F7-F8 this afternoon. Everyone holding on for dear life, only to look across and see Olly busy with a digi camera

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Old 01 October 2006, 17:26   #182
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Awesome trip - have to say it was interesting in patches.

I was picked up by Nasher at about quarter to ten from eastney ferry pontoon, and joined Nasher, Christopher, Ben and Ollyit already aboard Nashers Revenge. Christopher & Ben were suitably attired in their new drysuits, and we headed off out of Langstone Harbour.

The chop at the entrance to langstone harbour proved interesting, and while chatting to Ben (who is a very tough 7 years old I believe) we decided that Big Nasher wasn't enjoying himself driving, and needed looking after. Nasher and I swapped positions, and with Ben sitting in front of Nasher on the jockey seat, offering his Dad a little bit of support through the choppy seas, we set off for Portsmouth.

We arrived in Portsmouth Harbour, and RV'd with Pete7, Vivienne, Andrew and Suzie in Old Spice, and Tim M and Julia in his Ribcraft 4.8. After discussion, it was decided Tim would leave the little ribcraft in Haslar Marina, and join us aboard Nashers Revenge for the trip. We then went over to Camber docks, where little Nasher (Ben) who was being very brave in some rough seas decided he'd had enough of looking after his Dad, and abandoned ship along with Christopher, who had also bravely endured all the solent could throw at him, and went home with Frances (Mummy Nasher? Or will I get lynched for saying that!).

We then set off out of Portsmouth Harbour, with other participants deemed no shows, and headed over for the Isle of Wight. Leaving Portsmouth Harbour, things got a little dicey to say the least, and in between watching with awe Old Spice being thrown around by the waves, and trying to cope with them as best we could, we managed a rather spectacular sojourn into the air, with the wind ripping underneath us, and Nashers Revenge (a 6.5m Ocean) pushing back almost past the vertical point. Thankfully we landed with a crash into the water, and after about thirty seconds Nasher confessed to me that he had been convinced we were going to turn over - as I had been. Undeterred, we carried on over to the Island, managing to keep the bow down and make reasonable progress.

Outside Cowes, we me up with (I think - correct me if I'm wrong!) Andy Moore in Ditherer, Pressman Crew + Stowaway in Pressman, Ian M in his XS, and Biggles and his Son in Zestorer. As a convoy we proceded to Yarmouth, in some slightly better conditions than before - albeit encountering one brief and one slightly longer squall on the way, complete with stinging rain and dramatically reduced visibility. The (far to tall to be a real stowaway in my view) stowaway on Pressmen did casually inform me later "Oh, Steve just switched the Radar on and said the squalls were only little, so we just pushed through them". Yup. A handy bit of knowledge, if you happen to have radar fitted. We pushed through the weather, arriving in Yarmouth somewhen indetermined.

We could see SlimTim launching in Yarmouth, and as we were rafting up, we were joined by benc in Intrepid, and Ozz in Bojangles. Looking out of the harbour we could also see what looked to be a 4m Searider heading towards us, and after comments of "who the hell would be out in this in a 4m searider) it became apparent that Nos2r4 had made it to join us. A visitation to the Kings Head for Beverages and Light Refreshements did follow, with merry banter and rib comparisons (as usual).

Biggles then organised the line up, we were to be heading north or something to some place called black rock, so having agreed to go east to the needles we were all set and ready to head west for bembridge. Several of us then briefed the other crews on the plan to go south for the photo shoot, and we left Yarmouth and turned left. (Don't worry - inside joke).

After the photo shoot (not really sure what went on here!) we all parted company, and having witnessd Nos4r2 carry out a really rather spectacular stuff (and come up beaming ear to ear!) Old Spice and Nashers Revenge went steaming off. We had a brief stop in Cowes to let Old Spice dry out, as Pete7 had discovered that his instrument panel had suddenly become live, and every time he switched the bilge pump on or off, he got an electric shock! Having dried out and had a bit of coffee in cowes, I jumped ship from Nashers Revenge, and joined Pete & crew on Old Spice. Expertly piloted out of Cowes by Suzie, we headed straight back to Portsmouth. Nearly at Gilkicker we handed over Tim's house key (which was in my pocket) and left Nasher to head off to Langstone.

Pete drove us into Portsmouth harbour - always eerily flat and calm after enduring some nasty choppy seas on the way in, and dropped Andrew & I off at Tim M's rib (still tied up in Haslar). While Pete refueled old spice, Andrew had a little practice handling a somewhat smaller rib, in somewhat flatter water, and dropped me at work. Sent off with a shiny new pair of sea boots, I waved goodbye to the crew of old spice.

I've just finished checking back in all my Charter Yachts - none of whom could believe I took a rib too and from Yarmouth today, and off to recover Tim M's rib now, after what has been a rather pleasant day.

Sorry if I missed anyone out from the lists - please add yourself if I did! Great day, nice to meet some new faces, nice to chat to some old ones, lets do it again sometime a bit flatter!
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Old 01 October 2006, 17:39   #183
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Great day! Nearly didn't go as there was a delay with my boat this morning and it felt like a bit of a bad omen (combined with the mention of 50 mile an hr gusts mentioned on the news this morning)...but really glad I went for it as it was good fun in those waves. Even the 80 foot sailing boat we saw on the way back looked like it was having a hard time.

Nice to meet so many new faces and special thanks to Ben and his mate for waiting for me this morning so we could take off together - and for cracking up when I stuffed it on the way back!


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Old 01 October 2006, 17:52   #184
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Good fun day. Nice to put some faces to names. Hope we can meet up again in calmer times and get a good line up of boats.
Can't wait to see all thepictures.
Ozz, is that why you stopped on the way back, we thought you were waiting for us. Must admit I took it easy as I didn't want to stuff my pride and joy.
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Old 01 October 2006, 18:01   #185
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Yes, I was trying to work out how to get rid of all that water as the bilge pump stopped working and I hadn't taken out the bungs for the trunk.
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Old 01 October 2006, 18:27   #186
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Nuff said for tonight except thanks to all for your company

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Old 01 October 2006, 18:45   #187
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LAmpton ribsters

With the ribs left overnight on the water we met this morning at 7:30 with a firm intention of heading to Haslar for 10 AM. This was of course always subject to weather conditions and believe me off LAmpton it was wicked and can only guess that Selsy Bill must have been deadly. Anyway we did go out to play and the waves were over 2. 5 mtr high. Phil C took some pictures and no doubt will be posting some shortly. Here are a couple taken from my camera having just come back from a bit of fun
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Old 01 October 2006, 19:01   #188
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Originally Posted by pressman
Got back safely with our stowaway it certainly blew the cobwebs away!
Certainly did. Thanks for the ride!

I reckon that it was a very impressive turnout given the conditions. Hope everyone got home OK without too much hassle.

Thanks to Tim for kicking it off, and top marks to Nos4r2 for coming in a such a ludicrously small RIB. "Well I knew it wasn't going to sink" has to be the quote of the day for me!

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Old 01 October 2006, 19:46   #189
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Old 01 October 2006, 19:50   #190
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The 80FT yacht? So you saw me then? I was to busy drinking my Rum down below to wave. Savvy?
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Old 01 October 2006, 20:15   #191
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Today was excellent, very exhilarating and I certainly don't blame anyone for giving it a miss. BenC has got some video footage but it really doesn't do justice to the wind strength or the size of the waves!

Ozz - i must admit it was rather amusing to see you dissappear into a wave and reappear wet, very wet! Hope the boat is ok though!

Looking forward to the next time!
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Old 01 October 2006, 21:03   #192
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Was a great day, was good to put names to faces. It would have had to of been extemely bad weather today to stop me and Gray going out to jump a few waves.

Was envious of bojangles - was a very smooth ride from where we were sitting, until the spectacular stuff! But saying that, for the first proper run with my new engines, can see how much they have helped the boat, instant power whenever its needed! We were close to stuffing a few times, but the high bow on the tornado really helped keep the nose up.

I couldn't believe seeing Nos4r2 turn up in the searider - but it is a very capable boat, as proved today!

I started my camera leaving yarmouth, and recording us messing around on the way to the needles (got some nice air time). I will get it uploaded over the next few days and post a link.

Thanks all for a great day! See you again soon I hope!
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Old 01 October 2006, 21:20   #193
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We made it back Ok.... bloody hell I'm sore and I'm still grinning
Nice to put names to faces too.

It was quite an uneventful trip back over to Lymington. We made 14-18 knots all the way across.

I do owe Pete & Nasher a BIG thanks for collecting our gear after that stuff- water comes in, gear goes out... I would have been in serious trouble if I'd lost that food flask and the camera. Cheers guys!

It's not the size its what you do with it JK
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Old 01 October 2006, 22:14   #194
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Yeah, good little blast for me and mike. Encountered some interesting conditions off fort albert!

Thanks to all buzzed around for photos, was good to see new and old faces and hope everyone got back ok.

I have uploaded 20 images to my site, there are a few others of much the same. Click on "events" and then follow the appropriate link. If anyone wants prints, prices are on my site (take off 10% for RIBnet niceness). Make sure you check out the pics of Pressman doing an impressive stopping-on-a-dime trick!

Biggles, didn't realise you were trying to organise the in-line formation off yarmouth, I would've had the camera out if i'd known!


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Old 02 October 2006, 09:29   #195
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Gutted I didn't make this event but my youngests football kicked off at 10.30am so completely b********d the day up. Eventually got out on a board at 4pm in Stokes Bay, awesome!!
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Old 02 October 2006, 09:37   #196
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Originally Posted by Capt. J Sparrow
The 80FT yacht? So you saw me then? I was to busy drinking my Rum down below to wave. Savvy?
Talking out of your barnacle-ridden bottom again. Any ribster knows that you bottled it again and stayed shoreside because us soft southern shites pass the Black Pearl up on it's cradle in Endeavour Quay every time we go out.

A land-lubber pirate? Must be an estate agent!!
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Old 02 October 2006, 10:01   #197
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aaarrggh - forgot this was on! was sat watching the sea on sunday looking for an excuse to go boating. in the end did a brief solo run out of cowes round thorness and back via a few waves - may have seen a couple of you as I went past town quay. great fun though...
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Old 02 October 2006, 10:09   #198
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Originally Posted by Rodan
aaarrggh - forgot this was on! was sat watching the sea on sunday looking for an excuse to go boating. in the end did a brief solo run out of cowes round thorness and back via a few waves - may have seen a couple of you as I went past town quay. great fun though...
If that was at about 3pm then yes Nasher and Pete7s boats were at the the town quay.
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Old 02 October 2006, 10:57   #199
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3.30 it was to be exact... can't believe i missed out on this!
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Old 02 October 2006, 12:47   #200
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Pics of yarmouth cruise 01102006 can be found here:

- full resolution images can be obtained through downloading the zip file on the page (37files in total)

Brilliant day!, A little hairy at times, but all round good fun, special thanks to Nasher for the awesome ride in the 200hp Suzy powered very capable Ocean Rib - will be sponsoring Simon with beer the next few months
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