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Old 03 July 2007, 18:30   #1
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0870 Rip Off

Once again I've had to phone an 0870 number to get help. For those that don't know 0870 numbers are premium rate numbers. And they aren't included in free minutes on your mobile plan.

It really is a case of RIP OFF Britain. And have you noticed that those 0870 numbers have long winded messages and menus to follow. This takes time so its more money to BT and the company.

I was going to give a link to a complaints web site but instead I've found one to a site that gives you alternate non premium rate numbers to call.

Give it a try.
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Old 03 July 2007, 18:48   #2
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we use the site's excellent!
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Old 03 July 2007, 18:56   #3
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Tell me about it. The biggest culprit is the NHS with their PateintLine system.
I had to call my sister in Salisbury Hospital ( terminal cancer) from the USA. After 3 hours of trying ( they do not accept International calls) going thru. the AT&T operator and the BT operator I eventually got thru. Cost for a 5 min call was $ 123.00. Bunch of F'n crooks. I could get to the ward phone but the nurse refused to take an extension phone to my sisters bed.
This situation is a bloody discrace.
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Old 03 July 2007, 19:35   #4
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Limey Linda,

Sorry to hear about your sister. What else do the NHS do to fleece you of yet more money. Charge you for parking.

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Old 03 July 2007, 21:19   #5
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post
Limey Linda,

Sorry to hear about your sister. What else do the NHS do to fleece you of yet more money. Charge you for parking.

I have yet to pay any hospital car parking charges. When my aunt was in I visted her about 3 or 4 times a week. All her friends and other relations were horrified at me parking where I liked and refusing to pay.

I also never pay in the pay and display car parks anywhere else. I have noticed that people now behave so much like sheep they never bother checking the tickets anymore - the extra wages aren't justified. They only send people out to empty the machines!!!
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Old 03 July 2007, 21:21   #6
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post
Once again I've had to phone an 0870 number to get help. For those that don't know 0870 numbers are premium rate numbers. And they aren't included in free minutes on your mobile plan.

It really is a case of RIP OFF Britain. And have you noticed that those 0870 numbers have long winded messages and menus to follow. This takes time so its more money to BT and the company.

I was going to give a link to a complaints web site but instead I've found one to a site that gives you alternate non premium rate numbers to call.

Give it a try.
One tip - companies often list a number for people outside the UK to call - it is usually their standard office number - if they ask why you phoned it just act dull......
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Old 03 July 2007, 21:39   #7
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post
For those that don't know 0870 numbers are premium rate numbers.
No they are not! They are generally described as "national rate" @ 7.1p per minute on BT. Premium rate is much more expensive than this, (so I'm told!)

Having said that, I do agree with you that they are a sneaky way of raising revenue. Unfortunately I work in an office where all direct incoming lines are 0870 which is great for the business, but not so great for it's customers.... or it's employees families!
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Old 04 July 2007, 15:19   #8
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Okay maybe mine and your view of Premium is different but in my book if you've got to pay extra you are paying a Premium. BT might say that Premium rate numbers are the ones you pay 50p or more for. But to me thats just more Premium.

Its all a rip off anyway and I can'r believe someone like the Post office do it. Its virtually a state service paid for by us in many ways and they want still more money.

The ironic thing is that when the Post Office fails to deliver at a suitable time it makes you pay a premium to get some acceptable service. Ironic for them. Expensive for us.

Nick R.
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Old 04 July 2007, 17:07   #9
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Have checked my records related to calling a NHS hospital. They say that within UK charge is 49 p a minute. for both incoming and outgoing calls.
This is not a charge from BT. Pataintline rents the number from BT and can charge what they like. Many thanks to the the stinking NHS and their contractor.
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Old 04 July 2007, 17:51   #10
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda View Post
Have checked my records related to calling a NHS hospital. They say that within UK charge is 49 p a minute. for both incoming and outgoing calls.
This is not a charge from BT. Pataintline rents the number from BT and can charge what they like. Many thanks to the the stinking NHS and their contractor.
These are 07000 numbers rather than 0870 - which as you found out are criminally more expensive. It's incredibly mean when you're miles away and want to speak to a loved one in hospital. I've heard of people running up huge bills - probably would have been cheaper to visit!
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Old 04 July 2007, 19:12   #11
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Thanks Mike, I stand corrected. However, result is the same or worse. How can the NHS justify this. My elderly Uncle was admitted to hospital, he put 20 pounds on his account for TV, calls etc. They took him for surgery and put him back in a different bed, there was a 16 pound balance on his account. The new occupant of his old bed spent the 16 pounds on his account. He asked for a refund and was told "tough S" How can you expect the public to be law abiding when the government are crooks???????
I heard that the NHS/Pataintline were being investigated by Offcom. Wow; now we have the fox in the hen house. Do not expect anything positive out of this.
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Old 04 July 2007, 19:32   #12
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Originally Posted by MikeCC View Post
These are 07000 numbers rather than 0870 - which as you found out are criminally more expensive. It's incredibly mean when you're miles away and want to speak to a loved one in hospital. I've heard of people running up huge bills - probably would have been cheaper to visit!
The good news is that they have now - just about - proven that mobile telephones do not interfere with 'most' hospital equipment. Many hospitals now allow patients to use their mobiles as long as they are set up on Silent so that you don't have all the irritating ring tones.
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Old 04 July 2007, 20:27   #13
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Looks like Sarah is correct. See
Hope nobody had shares in this company
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Old 04 July 2007, 20:31   #14
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I have been places where those expensive phones used to be. I have often been a captive audience for the one expensive pay phone in residence. I have always thought that the phones were accepted because they gave a kick back to the property owners.

If so the NHS should be ashamed of themselves.

Glad free enterprise and the cheap mobile phone has seen off another robbing entrepreneur.
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