Saw this reported in the press today,
E-Petitions set up on the 10 Downing Street website for people to "...both create and sign petitions on this website too, giving you the opportunity to reach a potentially wider audience and to deliver your petition directly to Downing Street."
The one that caught my eye today was "Scrap the planned vehicle tracking and road pricing policy" which has reached 215,600 signatures (and rising by the second!). Second most popular "repeal the Hunting Act 2004." with a measly 18,269.
Some of the least popular with only a single vote;
Give Zara Phillips an OBE
Repeal the current law concerning the usage of bicycle bells
Censure the BBC for wasting license payers money on such rubbish as Jam and Jerusalem
and my favourite in the single vote category;
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to build himself a retirement palace in recognition of his hard work and dedication to the country" courtesy of a Mr James Davis!!
That said there are surprisingly few silly ones - most appear to be a serious attempt.
Something to pass the time
ps - road pricing petition now up to 215,990 !!