hmmm - active? I'll tell the missus that one & she if she agrees.
Yep its been a bit of a boating fest in the years since I joined. We have always had boats but in those years since 2001 or whenever I've taken early retirement from one job

run powerboat courses all over the world from Falklands to the Seychelles to mexico / belize and all over the med. Got hijacked to help out skippering on a windfarm for a couple of weeks that turned into 6/7 years of intensive transfer work and deliveries with some very nice boats. Escaped from that (well for now I have) and back home running the courses again now, and when I'm not doing that we are out playing in the boats. Never ever get fed up with it-absolutely lovin it! B****y Father times is trying to slow me down but he ain't won yet!- and yet another birthday tomorrow

I can't have that many candles on the cake cos of the fire hazard!