15 October 2004, 16:49
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4x4 tyres
As most of you guys have probably got 4x4´s, I was just wondering what type of tyre you were using as mine are getting near the replacment stage and will be looking to re-shod the old girl. Off-road has got more tread but does it last as long on tarmac and what is the handling like? Road or off road what do you use?
15 October 2004, 18:12
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BFG AT....Fantastic all round, expect to get 90-100 thousand miles out of a set, just changed mine at 96K.
15 October 2004, 18:23
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Thats some serious wear and tear out of a set of tyres.
15 October 2004, 18:44
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high tower
you have the kia sportage if i can remember right
go for a road type tyre not big off road stuff
stones and sand wet slipway are best delt with a very meduim off road tyre
i have bridgestone ht on my l200 last for ever and will cope with sand and stone beachs well
15 October 2004, 20:18
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I also have BFG AT. They are great on muddy fields and beaches and not too much road noise like some other AT or Mud tyres
15 October 2004, 23:45
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Originally Posted by chrisallse
BFG AT....Fantastic all round, ...
I'm pleased they're all round.  However, they wander all over the place. The fukkrs never track straight. Seriously tiring. Yeh, I know.
16 October 2004, 07:54
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Originally Posted by jwalker
I'm pleased they're all round.  However, they wander all over the place. The fukkrs never track straight. Seriously tiring. Yeh, I know. 
Must be something wrong with your steering, my 110 steers fine i can take my hands of the wheel at any speed and it will run as staight as an arrow. Never had a problem with steering even on my previous 110. I Dont know what the MT would be like as they have a lot more aggressive treads but the AT's are fine, not very noisy either.
16 October 2004, 09:06
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I've got Mud Terrains on mine and they're OK for road use... not great.. but OK...lasting about 35K a set. Fantastic in mud..surprisingly enough.. but lousy on wet grass and the like. Daniel's right. A less aggressive pattern is more suitable for towing/launching. I've not come across any need for mud tyres in connection with boating and they knock hell out of suspension bushes/shockers/dampers in everyday use. Would probably put AT pattern on, if I wasn't so pleased with the "Macho" look of my MT's... sad, I know...
16 October 2004, 09:34
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cheep as chips from that place near Winchester Mickaldeva tyres
16 October 2004, 10:50
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Yup, but I thinks it's 'Micheldeva' tyres. they've been a good source of cheap rubber for years now. just off the A303
16 October 2004, 10:53
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Originally Posted by Jono
I've got Mud Terrains on mine and they're OK for road use... not great.. but OK...lasting about 35K a set. Fantastic in mud..surprisingly enough.. but lousy on wet grass and the like. Daniel's right. A less aggressive pattern is more suitable for towing/launching. I've not come across any need for mud tyres in connection with boating and they knock hell out of suspension bushes/shockers/dampers in everyday use. Would probably put AT pattern on, if I wasn't so pleased with the "Macho" look of my MT's... sad, I know... 
Are they BFG mud terrains??? Thought they would last better than that!!! I have Colway M/T on my 110 - brilliant tyres and only £45 each - normally wouldn't touch remoulds but Colway are OK and as there isn't much Motorway use no probs - wear has been greater than I thought - they have done about 15,000 miles and are about 1/2 worn now.
Chunky tyres are great in mud and deep snow but not so good on wet roads etc - on sand they are useless cos they dig in - best tyres on sand are almost bald and aired down to about 10psi for more floatation.
16 October 2004, 12:44
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Wasn´t looking for serious off road use but if the oppotunity arose wouldn´t mind giving it a crack! I wanted something that gave me loads of road miles, were cheap and didn´t handle like a truck on ice, great suggestions guys and will give your suggestions further investigation.
17 October 2004, 21:52
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Originally Posted by SimpleSimon
...that place near Winchester Mickaldeva tyres
Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
I thinks it's 'Micheldeva' tyres...
Its Micheldever Tyres!
But Humphries Tyre & Exhaust can sometimes be even cheaper. They are only in Reading and Bracknell though, and I haven't found a web site for them
18 October 2004, 09:37
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Don't go to Micheldever Tyres at the weekend - gets very busy and you will be queing out onto the A303
Peter (nick, nick) T
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
19 October 2004, 17:35
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Try here :- http://www.tyretest.com/4x4_reifen/
It may at least give you a guide, it would be interesting to know if the reviews are a true reflection of what people have or think of them
19 October 2004, 17:50
Country: UK - Wales
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Talking of tests on tyres I remember an big review in LRO a while ago - one of the best of the AT tyres was the Avon - the one fitted as standard by Land Rover. Despite this very few people buy them as an aftermarket tyre as they just aren't considered "sexy"!!!
19 October 2004, 18:21
Country: UK - England
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..ah yes.. Rangemasters! Me, I had several sets, mostly given to me by Avon, when the treads started to come off the carcass...including in the middle of the Pyrenees (Sp?).. most inconvenient.. however, if the treads stay attached to the tyre and this fault was a few years ago...then they are a good tyre...
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