So, there I was Wednesday morning northbound on the M74 heading for Bellshill, Glasgow. Not a bad morning got the cruise control set, fresh cup of coffee and enjoying life.
Then It all happened. An 'Indespension' curtain sider passed me at a great rate of knots towing a couple of brand new roller coaster 5 trailers (piggy back). Flashed him in and thats when I noticed that the new trailers seemed to have a mind of there own
They had broken loose from the tow truck and seemed to be heading for the front of my Scania
. Hastilly applying all my air brakes and retarder could muster (i had 26t of frozen chips on and a wet motorway) the trailers decided to dive on to the hard shoulder and in to the undergrowth. Now while all this was going on the Indespension driver was blissfully unaware of what was happening!!!!!!!!!
So over on the hard shoulder I go. Now I must admit to having some imoral thoughts at this time like, how can I get an RC5 in the back of my trailer and will it survive at -25c. Or will anyone notice me 'borrowing' the winch, mudgaurds etc. I decided I would be better off calling the plod. So details given off I set northbound. After about 12 miles I come across the Indespension driver who driving rather slowly had realised what had happend. Just as we were both pulling over the cavalry arrived. It turns out that the actual tow hitch on the truck had broken and the ball part was still on the trailers!!!! However he hadn't connected the overrun cable, not that it would have probably done much good.
So if you have orderd a new roller coaster and you live in Scotland you may want to check it very carefully
Martin- Now with slightly soiled undergarments!!!!!!!!