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Old 02 June 2011, 08:02   #1
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Advertisers and ex-vat prices

I recently did a Google shopping search for some stuff, found a really great price and clicked through to find that the price listed with Google Shopping was an ex-vat one. Hey ho, I thought, that must mean they are happy to sell ex-vat in the case of export or to businesses etc.

It turned out they do not sell ex-vat, in fact they got quite shirty when I asked why they advertise ex-vat prices. They also have a price promise and I challenged them on that by sending a link to someone who had the same stuff for less after the vat was taken into account.

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Old 02 June 2011, 09:27   #2
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I know what you mean, it infuriates me too, and not only internet process, i've had the same on the phone.

I always ask what value should the cheque be made out for? and if the value is no the same as was quoted i take my business elsewhere, if i cant trust the seller to give an accurate price how can i trust them to give any sort of reasonable service.

Boaty type business known to this site will not be getting any work from me after an incident just like this.
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Old 02 June 2011, 20:03   #3
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Originally Posted by Channel Ribs View Post
I recently did a Google shopping search for some stuff, found a really great price and clicked through to find that the price listed with Google Shopping was an ex-vat one. Hey ho, I thought, that must mean they are happy to sell ex-vat in the case of export or to businesses etc.

It turned out they do not sell ex-vat, in fact they got quite shirty when I asked why they advertise ex-vat prices. They also have a price promise and I challenged them on that by sending a link to someone who had the same stuff for less after the vat was taken into account.

This is not the first time, I have heard of a seller misleading private buyers with regards to the vat status or vat implications of goods, remember this one....

Originally Posted by Knot Yet View Post
Hi All

After several days of haggling and hassle - I think I have the best offer we are going to get with the minimal amount of fuss and through a reliable company - as follows:

McMurdo Fastfind PLB 210 with GPS £179.00 including delivery direct to you from the seller

Conditions of the sale

1. We must order a minimum of 10
2. The price will be held for two weeks (ends 21st January 2010)
3. Payment needs to be collected by me - Bank Transfer, Postal Order, Cash.
4. The Fastfind will be sent to you direct by the seller with proof of purchase re warranty

I suggest we log names of those willing to commit to buying - once we have 10 only then will I ask for payments to be transferred - if we fail at this point then I will refund all those that have paid.

I expect you are all wondering who the company is - well huge thanks go to Martin (Malthouse) at Alderney Marine - who has worked really hard on our behalf to get such a fantastic deal - they are supplied from the UK so no problem regarding registration etc

Re the London Boat Show - it is possible we could get a few more pennies off if we waited for a deal at the LIBS - however the complications of payment and individual communication I think out weigh any small saving - hence why I believe this offer is the best we can squeeze out of the system (and believe me I've tried )

Those previously interested in buying a Fastfind 210 were:

Dan Worth x 1 - Membership not required
C2 Ribs x 1 - Membership not required
Jimbo x 1 - Membership not required
Ian M x 1(maybe 2) - Membership not required
250kts x 2+ - Membership not Required
Puffin x 1 - Membership not required
Blackroady x 1
Matt H x 1 - Membership not required
Neil Harvey x 1 - Membership not required
Humber P4VWL x 1 - Membership not require
Tony Mac x 1 - Membership not required
Leapy x 1 - Membership not required
Tony T - x 1
Gtflash x 1
CNUMB X 1 - provided code can be added later - still checking
Chris L x 1 (Welcome to RIBnet)

Committed to buying

Knot Yet x 1

Speak soon

Full story here, http://www.rib.net/forum/f8/mcmurdo-...tml#post333801 however some of the characters may have changed their name.

I completely sympathise and can see why you you would feel justified in ranting online about this sort of thing happening to you!
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Old 02 June 2011, 21:25   #4
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Old 03 June 2011, 06:45   #5
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With the PLBs everyone ended up buying individually from a non-VAT registered eBay trader.

People are (rightly?) wary of buying imports from outside the EU yet there are UK businesses that defy trading standards.

The key to a rant free time seems to be to stick with the businesses you know and not be lured away to save a few pennies.
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