Hi All
After several days of haggling and hassle - I think I have the best offer we are going to get with the minimal amount of fuss and through a reliable company - as follows:
McMurdo Fastfind PLB 210 with GPS
£179.00 including delivery direct to you from the seller
Conditions of the sale
1. We must order a minimum of 10
2. The price will be held for two weeks (ends 21st January 2010)
3. Payment needs to be collected by me - Bank Transfer, Postal Order, Cash.
4. The Fastfind will be sent to you direct by the seller with proof of purchase re warranty
I suggest we log names of those willing to commit to buying - once we have 10 only then will I ask for payments to be transferred - if we fail at this point then I will refund all those that have paid.
I expect you are all wondering who the company is - well huge thanks go to Martin (Malthouse) at Alderney Marine - who has worked really hard on our behalf to get such a fantastic deal - they are supplied from the UK so no problem regarding registration etc
Re the London Boat Show - it is possible we could get a few more pennies off if we waited for a deal at the LIBS - however the complications of payment and individual communication I think out weigh any small saving - hence why I believe this offer is the best we can squeeze out of the system (and believe me I've tried

Those previously interested in buying a Fastfind 210 were:
Dan Worth x 1 - Membership not required
C2 Ribs x 1 - Membership not required
Jimbo x 1 - Membership not required
Ian M x 1(maybe 2) - Membership not required
250kts x 2+ - Membership not Required
Puffin x 1 - Membership not required
Blackroady x 1
Matt H x 1 - Membership not required
Neil Harvey x 1 - Membership not required
Humber P4VWL x 1 - Membership not require
Tony Mac x 1 - Membership not required
Leapy x 1 - Membership not required
Tony T - x 1
Gtflash x 1
CNUMB X 1 - provided code can be added later - still checking

Chris L x 1 (Welcome to RIBnet)
Committed to buying
Knot Yet x 1
Speak soon