As I get (even) older I have started a new hobby.
I hide things from myself, and I'm getting really good at it. Specs, car keys, the wife - I lose them all.
And now Ive lost a thread on Ribnet!
I thought I had replied to a thread about a vhf course, but I have mislaid the thread. It just doesnt seem to be there - its a non thread, it never was.
I thought I had replied to it but when I look at my profile the computer says NO!!!
When I look at other profiles of people I thought had replied the computer says No!!!
So it must be me - the dementia is worse than I thought

I'll ask matron for some extra pills when she comes to change the plastic cover on the chair and give ma a cuppa in my non spill/non drip cup.
Anyone else in the home with similar symptoms?