If your seriously interested in a phantom Quad then there are plenty of good second hand ones around for about £350.
People seem to get fed up with being told where and when they can or can't fly them and sell up!
They are easy to fly, but you "will" crash it more than once

so a second hand one might be a good place to start.
If you do buy one second hand make sure you get the seller to plug it into his computer so that you can see it has no faults.
He will know how to do this and if he says no then like all things just walk away.
Look for signs of abuse, rough landings and so on.
These things can take a fare bit of abuse but eventually they go out of calibration.
This can all be sorted and parts are readily available.
Get the seller to put a battery in it and let it cycle through it's warm up procedure.
If you have space get him to take off and let the thing hover.
In GPS mode it should hover in place. Within a few feet.
These plenty of help out there if you do get a problem.
I myself had a compass go bad with near disastrous consequences!