Apple Business Server Package
The next RIB purchase is going to be delayed slightly to make way for some IT stuff. Having gone for the Mac Airbook myself last May its now time to begin the conversion of the office over to Apple.
Looking for advice from anyone who is lucky enough to run a MAC server and has bought a small business package.
Im initially after 4 Imacs, a Mac Pro Server, a 2TB Time Capsule and a few other odds and ends.
I was in the apple store today but there was very little room for discount for what is (I think) a pretty big package. Their service is also pretty crap.
Had a look around online and have found several companies who will beat the Apple Shop Imac price before I even ask for a discount, however the server is not so common.
Any ideas of where to go, I am also looking to buy into a set up and service contract of some sort. Ideally I would tie in the capital purchase and ongoing agreement with the same company for some continuity.
Please reply or PM if you have previously bought something similar, don't bother if you are going to try and convince me PCs and Microsoft are better suited.