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Old 12 February 2015, 15:13   #1
RIBnet supporter
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Boats and Outboard advert scams

There has been a lot of posts recently here, facbook and other social media concerning Boats and Outboards adverts that are clearly scams
These people Buy and sell new and used boats at Boats and Outboards and not anyone else

You may recall the MacRib was set up to sell via their pages several times despite Alex and others getting involved.

A recent Ribeye 600 was advertised at £4995 and was another scam and was raised by a user but it took a very long few days to have it removed

Here is the other FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/3864...0650524458490/ showing it and comments

You may see i also suggest that users when we identify these scams could take action with a mass response on TWITTER against the site twitter feed here https://twitter.com/BAOBuk They use @BAOBuk as their feed address

I have found through business and being involved in a some recent bak and online issues that companies dread the twitter approach and generally have someone to act swiftly on it. Here was my feed on the Ribeye 600
"This is just another scam on @BAOBuk which has been reported and still visible Buy and sell new and used boats at Boats and Outboards … Check out ads many like it V POOR"

Certainly one OP tried to get it removed and was ignored I placed that on twitter at 0730ish and was gone by lunch.

Just an idea and worth a real effort as they appear not worried about the scamming from what most of forum users have said.
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