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Old 12 October 2004, 21:18   #21
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Originally Posted by eupa
Hell no Brian. 5 years ago everbody was at 56kps ( if lucky using a dial up moden)- and you blocked the line. But just to show you ( and how old I am) -when I first started in ad 1500 we connected at 360 KBS ( full duplex) - but then the internet did not exist. Codprawn remember Microlink ? and DOS ?, then came the BLF ( big leap forward ) to 1200 then 2400. This was the time
of the BBC computer ( anybody remember that?) and then the sinclair spectrum-- then the ql and the C5 ( he even beat citroen to the name -hope he registered it).


Of course I do!!! STILL use DOS most days - BBC computers still being used for control applications - brilliant built in A/D convertor.

Prob best computer of them all was the Amiga 1200 - will still put a PC to shame for multitasking - it was way ahead of a 486 with 3.1 - expanded mine to hell - now I use a pc based emulator to run an Amiga OS - has many uses!!!

A couple of years ago Gateway bought the rights to the Amiga - produced an awesome machine that would run ALL PC software faster than any PC and it's own software - based on linux - about 100 times faster - what happened? Microsoft crapped themselves and bought the rights to it - then cancelled the project!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12 October 2004, 22:21   #22
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Originally Posted by codprawn
...BBC computers still being used for control applications - brilliant built in A/D convertor.
...expanded mine to hell - now I use a pc based emulator to run an Amiga OS - has many uses!!!
...expanded mine to hell - now I use a pc based emulator to run an Atari TOS - has many uses.
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Old 14 October 2004, 12:09   #23
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(JK better move this to another headin "BILL GATES" as the conversation gong to get a bit hot)

Can't stand people who bash Microsof and Bill Gates. What is it with you people that resents people who are succesful? is it just jealousy?. The true fact is that over 95% of all PC's ( lapop. desktop, Pocket pcs) netwoking stations have a microsoft product. Despite problems ( now minumum) with a Ms OS system - it is a dam site better than all the other junk. OK Mr. Gates has in certain cases defended his position - well I for one say thank you Mr. Gates and tough luck the ohers. The end line is that MS have a good product which is relatively esay to use. But that is not all. Mr. Gates made the computer accessible to all. When your are in the states - look at the people using the internet booths. They are not the interlecturals ( thank god), they are not buisness men ( thank god) they are not students ( thank god x2) but grannies over 80 sending emails to their friends . Why ? Because
Mr. Gates made it possible with some easy software. If that makes people communicate - then the world must be a better place. You dont have to be a genius to use a PC and that must upset a lot of people. OK I started 20 years ago and have always been a MS addict. But forget the OS's- what about the other stuff like xls, word, access ect. I program in VBA with xls and you can literally make a PC stand on his head. Linus aint anywere here.

I say THANK YOU MR. GATES and pray you keep on forever. Pretty sure that
the *** upstairs uses a MS product. Just hope the hard driver is a big one.

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Old 14 October 2004, 12:45   #24
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..........Can't stand people who bash Microsof and Bill Gates. What is it with you people that resents people who are succesful? is it just jealousy?. The true fact is that over 95% of all PC's.........

Microsoft does not have 95% of the market because it is good it has it because of Bill’s marketing skills.Microsoft position is undeserved and there is a vast gap between there promises and what they deliver. Their stuff is unreliable, too expensive and over complicated and only now, after stealing all the best ideas from their competitors, are they starting to offer software that is almost as good as stuff I was using 10 years ago.

And not only that Bill has a hint of t***er about him, with all that money he could at least look the part
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Old 14 October 2004, 13:45   #25
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The other reason Microsoft is everywhere is because no-one ever got sacked for choosing a Microsoft product. Go with another, better, faster, cheaper product and you will still be sticking your neck out because it is percevied as a gamble by those who don't know software.

Macs have become much better recently due to a Unix based OS and deserve to become a significant competitor. The problem is, offices will still buy Microsoft because typists only know how to use Word and middle management can only use Excel and Powerpoint and won't re-train on anything else.
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Old 14 October 2004, 15:06   #26
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Originally Posted by Squirrel
The other reason Microsoft is everywhere is because no-one ever got sacked for choosing a Microsoft product. Go with another, better, faster, cheaper product and you will still be sticking your neck out because it is percevied as a gamble by those who don't know software.

Macs have become much better recently due to a Unix based OS and deserve to become a significant competitor. The problem is, offices will still buy Microsoft because typists only know how to use Word and middle management can only use Excel and Powerpoint and won't re-train on anything else.

Well, well. well Just ask Granny to use Unix- she will hit you over the head
with your ***** pc. You miss the point-XP for example can be used by
everybody. Try to configure a wireless router with Unix and then say how great it is.Or if yiou want to go one further - try to configure a pmcia card with a Mac - 9 times out 10 it wont work.


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Old 14 October 2004, 15:11   #27
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Originally Posted by Squirrel
The other reason Microsoft is everywhere is because no-one ever got sacked for choosing a Microsoft product. Go with another, better, faster, cheaper product and you will still be sticking your neck out because it is percevied as a gamble by those who don't know software.

Macs have become much better recently due to a Unix based OS and deserve to become a significant competitor. The problem is, offices will still buy Microsoft because typists only know how to use Word and middle management can only use Excel and Powerpoint and won't re-train on anything else.

while you are at it- what else is there that is similar to xls. They have all gone to the grave. What happened to Lotus??. where has clpper gone?

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Old 14 October 2004, 16:08   #28
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Hey Mr Angry, I'm not saying XP is the worst thing out there, my post was just about why Microsoft is so prevalent and its not necessarily because its the best product out there.

XP is reaching a level of stability previously unseen in previous Windows versions, but common in Linux (free!) and Mac (Unix based, but as easy to use as Windows, unless you want to network it ). Windows 98 and Millenium were shockingly unstable NT and 2000 were better (mainly because theyu took nothing from the home OS's).

There are other spreadsheet tools out there, but I concede Excel is one of the better Microsoft products. There are however numerous excellent presentation tools out there that leave Powerpoint in the dust!
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Old 14 October 2004, 18:35   #29
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I recommend all of you go and read a book called :

Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date
By Robert X. Cringely
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Old 14 October 2004, 19:17   #30
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Originally Posted by Brian
How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date
Interesting thesis.

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 14 October 2004, 19:21   #31
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But has Bill got a RIB?

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Old 14 October 2004, 19:46   #32
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Originally Posted by eupa
(JK better move this to another headin "BILL GATES" as the conversation gong to get a bit hot)

Can't stand people who bash Microsof and Bill Gates. What is it with you people that resents people who are succesful? is it just jealousy?. The true fact is that over 95% of all PC's ( lapop. desktop, Pocket pcs) netwoking stations have a microsoft product. Despite problems ( now minumum) with a Ms OS system - it is a dam site better than all the other junk. OK Mr. Gates has in certain cases defended his position - well I for one say thank you Mr. Gates and tough luck the ohers. The end line is that MS have a good product which is relatively esay to use. But that is not all. Mr. Gates made the computer accessible to all. When your are in the states - look at the people using the internet booths

I say THANK YOU MR. GATES and pray you keep on forever. Pretty sure that
the *** upstairs uses a MS product. Just hope the hard driver is a big one.

Good God someone actually sticking up for Bill??? I was NOT bashing Mr Gates - he is the world's best business man - no doubt about it.

Anyone who can sell a load of shit that is so ticky you can't get rid of it and then have to keep buying more of the same deserves a medal.....

As to people using internet booths - and the internet in general - where do you think the http:// bit comes from - what do you think most internet servers run on??? Ever heard of apache???

Lotus gone? Has it really? Lotus notes/domino still used by most large companies for all their email.

Internet explorer - the most bug infested security lacking piece of crap ever - try mozilla firefox and never look back!!! FREE from

no more popups or hack attacks!!!

And you say minimum probs with XP etc - still I am NOT complaining - I wouldn't be able to afford my RIB if there were never probs with MS products!!!
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Old 15 October 2004, 08:10   #33
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Good God someone actually sticking up for Bill??? I was NOT bashing Mr Gates - he is the world's best business man - no doubt about it.

Anyone who can sell a load of shit that is so ticky you can't get rid of it and then have to keep buying more of the same deserves a medal.....

As to people using internet booths - and the internet in general - where do you think the http:// bit comes from - what do you think most internet servers run on??? Ever heard of apache???

Lotus gone? Has it really? Lotus notes/domino still used by most large companies for all their email.

Internet explorer - the most bug infested security lacking piece of crap ever - try mozilla firefox and never look back!!! FREE from

no more popups or hack attacks!!!

And you say minimum probs with XP etc - still I am NOT complaining - I wouldn't be able to afford my RIB if there were never probs with MS products!!!

Come off it COD - get real -90% of companies use OUTLOOK. But again you and othets have missed it. I am not talking about companies , I am talking about the other 98% of people who use computers at home. Granny aint interrsted to know about http.- or where it comes from- all she wants to do is communicate Lotus died yeas ago ? ever tried to program VBA with Lotus- just tell me how you get on.

As regards your RIB - you dont seem to have one... or is it the Phanton rider that comes out at midnight?
XP - if you have probs with XP - something wrong somewhere. As regards IE and security - if you are number 1, you expect to be attacked all the time.
But then again I cant understand people who continuosely bash IE- when all they have to do is download Netscape and use that browser. And thats another one. Why did Netscap[e sell out to AOL? if they were so good? GREED JUST PURE GREED - then what happens poor old Netscape have to work night and day to make it compatible with AOL.
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Old 15 October 2004, 11:30   #34
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Originally Posted by eupa
Come off it COD - get real -90% of companies use OUTLOOK. But again you and othets have missed it.
As regards your RIB - you dont seem to have one... or is it the Phanton rider that comes out at midnight?
XP - if you have probs with XP - something wrong somewhere. .
There are LOADS of big companies in the UK using Lotus notes - seems the bigger the company the more likely they are to be using it!!!

You are quite right - I do NOT have a RIB - YET!!!! Won't be long now though!!!!

XP is full of problems - why else do they bring our service packs to fix them?

I admit it is far better than the other shit they have used but problem free??? I think not!!!
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Old 15 October 2004, 13:02   #35
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Originally Posted by DGR
But has Bill got a RIB?


He probably owns all the companies building ribs -- but does not realize it. He does not need that kind of thrill........

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Old 15 October 2004, 13:13   #36
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Originally Posted by eupa
He probably owns all the companies building ribs -- but does not realize it. He does not need that kind of thrill........

You're scaring me now. Do you have posters of "Mr Gates" on your bedroom wall?
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Old 15 October 2004, 14:07   #37
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Originally Posted by Squirrel
You're scaring me now. Do you have posters of "Mr Gates" on your bedroom wall?
Probably - Bill will be pleased to know he at last has A friend!!!!
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Old 15 October 2004, 17:55   #38
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Great bit of office software which works not just on Linux, but on Windows too -
I can recommend this product, which seems to be compatible with the majority of other office style applications that are about.

Windows 2000 was good, XP is better, they will always have bugs though. Of around 70 client pc's I look after that run windows xp, I have only seen one with a bsod so far... One of our linux machines had a kernel panic the other day too for some reason - terminal just died.
I tend to use (debian) linux for a lot of stuff, but I couldn't push it out to the network at work for day to day stuff, cos it doesn't do what we need of it for all things - saying that, linux has bugs in it too....

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Old 15 October 2004, 20:22   #39
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Originally Posted by Alex Brown
Great bit of office software which works not just on Linux, but on Windows too -
I can recommend this product, which seems to be compatible with the majority of other office style applications that are about.

Windows 2000 was good, XP is better, they will always have bugs though. Of around 70 client pc's I look after that run windows xp, I have only seen one with a bsod so far... One of our linux machines had a kernel panic the other day too for some reason - terminal just died.
I tend to use (debian) linux for a lot of stuff, but I couldn't push it out to the network at work for day to day stuff, cos it doesn't do what we need of it for all things - saying that, linux has bugs in it too....


Thanks Alex - just goes to show what I was saying. 'doesnt do what we need to"

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Old 15 October 2004, 20:27   #40
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Originally Posted by Squirrel
You're scaring me now. Do you have posters of "Mr Gates" on your bedroom wall?

Do you really want to know what's on my bedroom wall???

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