Capri - The Death Of An Automotive Icon
Those of a certain age will recall how iconic the Capri was during the 70S and 80s. I had two of them. The first was a MKI 1.6, White with the obligatory red stripe down the side. The second was a MKII 3.0 Ghia Auto, metallic chocolate brown, beige vinyl roof, beige leather interior (plastic!), jacked 2" at the rear. I loved both cars, but especially the 3.0 Ghia, I thought I was the Dogs Bollocks at the time.
So imagine my horror this morning when I saw a big, ugly, bright yellow SUV on my younger neighbours drive with the word C A P R I emblazoned on he back. My neighbour came out when he saw me looking at it " Bet that takes you back a bit", no it doesn't! Each to their own but its as ugly as sin and doesn't deserve the name Capri to be on the back of it.
Why couldn't Ford call it something else - Corfu, Faliraki anything but Capri!