25 January 2005, 10:25
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Cleaning up vomit
What should I use to clean vomit up from a carpet, and also to neutralise the smell?
Somebody suggested TCP, or something like that, should I use this?
One of my flatmates friends got a little ill watching dissection last night.
25 January 2005, 10:48
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Steam cleaner and Febreze, strictly in that order. Works well enough on dog sh*t
What are you doing dissecting bodies in your flat, anyway?
25 January 2005, 10:49
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25 January 2005, 10:55
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as an ex chemist
- (1)vinegar
- (2)Ammonia - mind your eyes
There are more drastic remedies, but its better to get the owner of the vomit to do the work. Vinegar will remove stains and ammonia should get rid of the smell. Dont use acid, acetone or any other solvent. The other solution is to train the cat-normally they will go for anything except there own s**t.
Other than that, tones of newspapers and hot water.
You might acre in the future to throw the party out at the slightest sign of weakness.
25 January 2005, 10:55
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Nonono, we haven't dissected anyone in the flat for quite a while, there was a televised dissection on last night.
A steam cleaner is probably over budget, and unavailable at short notice.
I shall pop out, buy some febreeze and some bleach, come back, see if my lazy flatmates are up and available to be ordered to do some cleaning. If not, despite the fact they should be doing it, I know that if I don't clean it, it will simply stay for eternity.
25 January 2005, 10:56
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
What should I use to clean vomit up from a carpet, and also to neutralise the smell?.....
Use a Jack Russell, quick, efficient, environmentally friendly and ever one wins  Des
25 January 2005, 10:57
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Right, just read eupa's reply too. Don't think I can get ammonia anywhere handy here. Could pop along to the science faculty in the uni and see...
If I'd been awake, I would have thrown them out! Throwing up is not allowed, especially if you've been drinking, cos then it's a waste of good alcohol!
25 January 2005, 10:58
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Waaa, they're posting faster than I can reply!
ScaryDes, was that an offer of the loan of one Jack Russell??
25 January 2005, 11:00
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Whoa! You guys have done far too much drinking and throwing in your time!
Glad to see your wives/girlfriends/mothers made you clean it up yourselves though!
25 January 2005, 11:02
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jimbo I did not mean ammonia 880 i ment the stuff you can pick up at the
local hardware store its aboutv 25% and makes your eyes weep no end and chokes you to death as well. The 880 is about 95% and that will kill the whole neighbour hood.
25 January 2005, 11:02
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
Waaa, they're posting faster than I can reply!
ScaryDes, was that an offer of the loan of one Jack Russell??
Yes I’ll through it in the beaulieu river and you can pick it up as it floats up Southampton Water  No hang on the tides are all wrong for that, have to wait until 6 this evening.  Des
25 January 2005, 11:04
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
Use a Jack Russell, quick, efficient, environmentally friendly and ever one wins  Des
Lab/Collie cross also extremely efficient in this area - I find the cat is a little more fussy. Can't remember the last time I saw a furball
25 January 2005, 11:05
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ScaryDes, got any leftover fireworks? Sure you could rig something up....
Louise, I have NOT done much throwing up in my time, I have witnessed lots of others (mainly drunken students!) throwing up, usually in my house/flat.
My Mothers philosophy was always you made the mess, you clean the mess. (As for girlfriend, if I had one right now, I'm sure she could clean it up for me!)
eupa, shall investigate hardware stores in portsmouth, although I think bleach is looking likely at the moment.
25 January 2005, 11:07
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
Louise, I have NOT done much throwing up in my time, I have witnessed lots of others (mainly drunken students!) throwing up, usually in my house/flat.
Jimbo - I know you haven't - you wouldn't be asking for tips on how to clean it up if you had!
25 January 2005, 11:08
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Hehehe, yup!
Right, off down Tescos for bleach and febreeze...
25 January 2005, 11:10
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the problem with bleach ( 30%) is that it will "bleach" a carpet as well.
then you really have a problem- unless its a white carpet . Rememmber when I was newly married and my wife used too much bleach in the washing machine and put some red frilly undies in which my spotless white jocky pants. How can a man wear red pants? , I ask you.
25 January 2005, 12:21
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Well, the culprit has returned, shamefaced to the location of the incident. He is now on his hands and knees scrubbing away with bleach and warm water.
It's a very shallow carpet, one of those cheap industrial ones you get in student halls, so bleaching shouldn't take too much colour out, especially as diluted as it is.
Ah well, I'm off back to carry on shouting orders!
25 January 2005, 17:52
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Freeze it solid with co2 then you can pick it up in one piece, makes a great frizbee
25 January 2005, 18:26
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25 January 2005, 19:50
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Whatever you do, for Gods sake.........
.........don't tell the dragon I posted this. New Years Eve - Eve... needless to say, New Yeas Eve was a quite night for her.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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