Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
So you want less cover and then you want the few lifeguards left to become the beach/litter version of a traffic warden?
Thats the sort of nonsense I would have expected from Tony Blair, We are a developed country that values human life and encourages its citizens to call for help before situations escalate. You can not seriously want to take us backwards?
Why not give the lifeguards some powers to stop people leaving their rubbish on the beach. Most of them are local lads who love the sea and care about it
Go talk to a few they would love to be able to sort out the litter louts and fools . After all they are the ones who have to deal with the injuries when someone steps on a broken bottle etc .
Charging for rescue could be judged . Ie if its a genuine incident not through stupidity then OK
but for the silly fool that needs fetching back because he went to sea on an airbed and needed a helicopter , make them pay especially if the lifeguard had already warned them .
No different to getting fined for a traffic offence in my book