18 December 2007, 11:24
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Coastguards back Strike action
Totally agree with them. It's a disgrace that there are ops room staff paid at national minimum wage, especially given the salaries paid to some of the hardly essential personnel elsewhere in the MCA.
I notice recently they were advertising for direct-entry watch officers at Dover, with a skill set (rightly) requiring an experienced mariner, but at a salary level which could be beaten by an average deckhand.
What is even more disappointing is that at last, most senior managers within HMCG have come up through the ranks (including for the first time ever the recently retired MCA Chief Exec). Surely someone there must have a vague clue as to the value of the watch teams?
18 December 2007, 11:59
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You posted this 2 1/2 hours ago
Originally Posted by havener
instead of sacking civil servants 
So which is it
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
18 December 2007, 12:15
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Utterly disgraceful! give them the same rise MPs awarded themselves. What do Ops room staff who man/woman 999 centres get?
New boat is here, very happy!
18 December 2007, 12:31
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.Fine.. let 'em go on strike ... then sack the feckin' lot of 'em and make room for people who want to work..... and before giving me the "living wage" bollix.... blame the greedy bastards who started the housing price rise scandal.... I say the same to the Fire-fighters and their recent strike...lazy bunch of feckas.... and for all those who moan about "they're worth more"..Fine.. but stop moaning about the spiralling rise of prices/taxes... gotta be paid for somehow...Minimum wage? Great.. but someone forgot to tell our competitors in India/China/Mexico/Eastern Europe.. take yer pick...
...that should start things off nicely.
18 December 2007, 12:46
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Originally Posted by Pete7
You posted this 2 1/2 hours ago
So which is it
I think there's a slight difference between those who co-ordinate lifesaving actions, and those who draft meaningless drivel that merely impose more regulation on the rest of us, don't you?
18 December 2007, 12:50
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Originally Posted by Simon B
Utterly disgraceful! give them the same rise MPs awarded themselves. What do Ops room staff who man/woman 999 centres get?
Coastal Watch Assistants - from memory about £12k + 25% shift allowance
Watch Officers - around £15k plus 25%
District Ops Managers - around £19k plus 25%
That's based on an averaged 42 hour week in 12 hour shifts.
Even CWAs take 999 calls, deal with Maydays, task units, etc...
Certainly its way below equivalents in Fire, Police and Ambulance control centres.
18 December 2007, 12:58
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That's actually not that bad. Certainly well above some semi-skilled jobs once you add the shift allowance. (I wouldn't work for that though!)
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18 December 2007, 13:07
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
That's actually not that bad. Certainly well above some semi-skilled jobs once you add the shift allowance. (I wouldn't work for that though!)
Not much to try and live on when you're in some of the holiday home capitals like Brixham and Falmouth though, and sweet FA for those stationed in London.
What I don't see is how they can ask for good merchant navy experience but not pay for it!
18 December 2007, 13:40
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Originally Posted by havener
What I don't see is how they can ask for good merchant navy experience but not pay for it!
Because people are willing, or at least have been, to do the job for that amount of money?
18 December 2007, 13:49
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A few years back, a high proportion of CG staff were ex RN or Merchant Navy with appropriate pensions to supplement their income.
It's the old story - because people enjoy(ed) the job, pay can be kept lower than it should be.
Same reason that the threat of strike action is slightly hollow - the MCA know that no watch officer would let a call for distress go unanswered.
Doesn't mean its right not to pay for the knowledge and skills though.
19 December 2007, 16:35
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Originally Posted by havener
Doesn't mean its right not to pay for the knowledge and skills though.
Its market forces. Why should we spend any more taxpayers funds than are necessary.
Originally Posted by jono
...that should start things off nicely. 
19 December 2007, 16:42
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Originally Posted by havener
Certainly its way below equivalents in Fire, Police and Ambulance control centres.
Are you sure? I think you will find they are similar.
20 December 2007, 13:42
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I second Jono
If you take a job that pays X then you should not complain later that X is not enough. If you feel your not paid enough look around for a new job. Simple Really.
If HMCG then finds that it can not fill some of its positions or retain staff then it will have to at the package it offers.
20 December 2007, 19:07
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I would happily see a reduction in Mps wages - less useless Police Officers and less tax collectors along with the grounding of Police helicopters and the removal of litter wardens and all jobs worths in general....................
Then the Coastguards would be paid what they deserve!!!
20 December 2007, 19:13
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I would happily ............... along with the grounding of Police helicopters
Then the Coastguards would be paid what they deserve!!!
I would not be happy to see that!!!  Our county helo is also an air ambulance and it saved a friends life!!!!!! :
20 December 2007, 19:23
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
I would not be happy to see that!!!  Our county helo is also an air ambulance and it saved a friends life!!!!!! :
£4,000,000 a year would pay for an extra 26 hospital consultants - how many lives would they save???
20 December 2007, 19:26
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Granted, but how many would die before getting to the consultat!!!!! and are you saying looing my friend would be better than spending 4,ooo,ooo?? I now hes wife and family would disagree!!!
20 December 2007, 20:25
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Originally Posted by codprawn
£4,000,000 a year would pay for an extra 26 hospital consultants - how many lives would they save???
do you really think that many people (who could be saved) die in this country because of a shortage of consultants. and where would you find an extra 26 consultants anyway?
PS - I suspect your calculation is based on their gross salary - not the fully loaded cost of a consultant. So you probably get about 10!
21 December 2007, 00:58
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I would happily see a reduction in Mps wages - less useless Police Officers and less tax collectors along with the grounding of Police helicopters and the removal of litter wardens and all jobs worths in general....................
Then the Coastguards would be paid what they deserve!!!
Hey Codders, did you engage brain first.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
21 December 2007, 16:05
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Hey Codders, did you engage brain first. 
If you actually bother going to the various websites of the police helicopter units around the Uk you will see the majority of them are NOT used as an air ambulance but for chasing joy riders who have stolen cars worth £200!!!
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